Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I used to have a wonderful postcard with the image of the urchin lariat on it.  I still have the image but somehow lost the artwork and now I'm out  so......

I have gone into design mode with a couple of images I have.  I like to tuck these into my on line order boxes, or take them with me to shows.  I'm not sure they have a purpose necessarily, just a pretty picture, a place to write a note.....does anyone keep postcards?

Here are two different (very different) designs I've come up with, and I could of course do more, but it wasn't on the list of things to do, just got it in my head to do it this morning.

 I can see that the jpg save saved more then I meant for it too, so I still have a little work to do.

I am a fan of the blurred background photo but I know not everyone is....and I'm open to trying harder, but these are the first two.



NEDbeads said...

I save all my little notes and postcards from friends, and all their business cards too!! I'm a sop, I admit it, lol. I like the first one more, but that's because I adore dark backgrounds always. The second one would surely be cheaper to have printed, as the white is less ink.... but they're both gorgeous!!

Francesca Watson said...

Of these two, I prefer the layout of the first, but I don't think the picture shows the piece to its best advantage. I like the blurred background very much, especially for jewelry - keeps the focus where it needs to be. I like the piece in the second postcard very much, but overall it feels a little stark to me. And I don't think your name and web address work well on the same line.

Not much help, am I?? LOL!

Marcia DeCoster said...

Thanks Nancy, the printing company does not charge differently for the difference in color, so far two votes for the top one, spirit flight!

Marcia DeCoster said...

Thanks Fracesca, that does seem to the be the consensus. I don't mind not showing the piece because I'm not really advertising the piece, just going for a nice artsy photo.

The bad Liz said...

Postcards that I have collected over the years decorate my beaind corner and the walls of my local bead shop's classroom. I love looking at them.

Judith said...

I like the first one a lot. Postcards are the "just for pretty" artsy shots. I have all of my favorites on a cork board over my desk where I can see them every day. It's better than a framed picture any day.

Cynthia Newcomer Daniel said...

I like the first one. It has a very romantic feel to it, and I think it captures the essence of your beading style.

Marcia DeCoster said...

wow, looks like consensus, thanks folks!

LoriF said...

Yes, I agree, I like the dark background much better. If possible, you might try a different colorway of the piece, on the dark background. It is extremely muted as is, and I don't think that's you. I love and keep all these artsy postcards as well

Beverly Herman said...

Postcards are always my favorite. I think of them as Art from the designer. I like both of the pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love both, but my fave is the top one

lynnd said...

I like the way the first post card is set up with the color, etc.but the second design is what appeals most to me.

lynnd said...

I like the way the first post card is set up with the color, etc.but the second design is what appeals most to me.

The Dixon Chick said...

I like the second one the best.

ChrisD said...

Marcia, I'm an inveterate postcard collector often using postcards I've acquired as bookmarks although sometimes I use them to send thank you notes.
I love the top picture. The bottom is a great piece of beadwork but the top one has atmosphere.
I think it's a lovely idea.

Helen said...
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Helen said...

Top for sure....but I'd like to see a different beaded piece - this one's details are hidden - too much ribbon maybe?

T=MC2 said...

I agreed, the top postcard is lovely. Have you thought about putting anything on the reverse - maybe care instructions for finished pieces? Whenever I make a beaded something for a friend, I include a card to tell them how to look after the piece (don't soak it in water, simple stuff like that).