Monday, June 15, 2009

The color purple

You've heard me complain about may grey and june gloom, and it remains overcast and rather gloomy here, but one consolation, the Jacaranda's are in bloom. Brilliant dots of color all over the San Diego landscape.

And while we're on a purple theme, the beautiful disco squares that Mary Ann Harder had on at Bead and Button.


  1. Oooohhhhh I'm still. How wonderful to see a tree like this. Never ever saw one. And you're shirt and bracelet...goreous colors.

  2. Super cute! Love the purple flowers...And the disco squares look awesome - I still need to make some for me :o)

  3. I loved those disco squares when I saw them in the magazine - especially the colors. It was published at just the right time as I needed a way to connect the elements of a bracelet I was making, and that bracelet was my inspiration. Thanks!

  4. WIE schön ist das denn???
    Danke für´s Zeigen Marcia.
    Liebe Grüße von Annette

  5. I love purple both flowers and beads!

  6. Those trees are the best!
    I guess I just have to break down and get over my fear of right angle weave. Then I could make a beautiful bracelet like that one.

  7. There's nothing to be scared of, Rosanne! And, even if you think your right angle weave looks ugly, you will soon see that embellishing it (like in this project) is really cool - it straightens out all of the wackiness...

  8. The flowers are so beautiful! I like purple very much! And the bracelet is also fantastic! I like it so much!
    Many greetings,

  9. Wow - so much purple. Looks lovely on you and that stunning tree.

  10. "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it."

    Alice Walker
