Wednesday, March 24, 2010

26 years and counting....

March 25th I met my husband in Henry Cowell Park in Santa Cruz. He was adorable, swinging his then young children on the park swingset. We had been minor acquaintances at a previous company so I re-introduced myself. It turned out we were both working in Los Gatos at the time and agreed to meet for lunch on Tuesday of that week. We've been together ever since and it remains beautiful.

On the first anniversary of our first date I gave him one red rose and the tradition was started. Today there are 26 roses in that bouquet and I look forward to many many more.


  1. ♥ Happy Anniversary ♥

    26 years ...WOW. I have been with my hubby for 17 years but have only been married for 10 of those.

    I can hear the excitement in your voice so big congratulations to you both!


  2. Congratulations on your 26th anniversary, and may you have many more to come!

  3. Congratulations to you and I wish you many-many happy years together.

  4. Happy Anniversary!
    Bead Happy!

  5. as an aside .... I left Los Gatos in 1978 missed possibly knowing you by a few years. Small world. Keep counting the years, I had 35 and wonderful memories.

  6. Congratulations! I think anyone who has found that special person is very lucky indeed.

  7. You and Mark are definitely an enchanted pairing. Congratulations on your anniversary.

  8. What a sweet story :) Happy anniversary, you two!

  9. I do understand... Andy and I met over and over for a year before we "met". After that it has been 20 years. When people ask me how that works I try to tell them that the truth is that you don't have to like them but you must always love them. Not everyone gets it, but those who do....
