Monday, March 15, 2010

Bead Retreat Wind down

Oh my, what an amazing time we had! It was all I imagined and more, so many wonderful bead friends, so much amazing beadwork, such talent and camaraderie, I loved it all.

And I do want to bring you pictures of all the smiling faces, I do, but I want to do a lovely little collage of them, and for that I need the real computer, with the real mouse and the real monitor. So tomorrow you shall see all of the beautiful beaders who came, well maybe not every single one, but I did capture many a good photo.

For today, I will show you three smiling and happy teachers

who had a wonderful time and began planning next years wonderful time! Save the date to be published soon, but expect it to be middle March just like this year, more Beading by the Bay!


  1. How Jean always looks so unruffled and beautiful is amazing, considering the deadlines she is always under. I should know, as the one that she is currently suffering from is my own.

    Can't wait to hear all about class. Did you have any beading mats left over? Those are WONDERFUL!

  2. one and only one mat left, they were much loved. should I save it for you?
