Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I arrived safely and on time with an almost uneventful day of travel.After posting on a facebook comment of Sabine's that I've never forgot anything important yet.....I forgot my phone.

Could I live without it? Well perhaps, but it did have my credit card application on it, pretty key when you're selling kits, and......

It had specially set up ringtones for my daughter and husband, in case there is grand baby news......

So Mark gave me his phone. I was able to download and set up the credit card ap and reset the ringtones. It's only slightly disorienting to have no contacts and no scrabble! But I have the iPad with me as well so I have email and

Today....the Rising Sun

And a big bunch of well accomplished beaders. A nice crisp 30 degree start to the day, bbbbrrrrr.....I'll save my walk for lunchtime, since with the 3 hour time change it feels like the middle of the night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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