Friday, July 8, 2011

We're Celebrating

The quietness....the last of the chainsawing was completed today. A few weeks back we took down three large pepper trees that had outgrown their space. We hired tree guys for the heavy lifting, but we're left with large 400 lb slabs of wood that was not hauled away. It needed to be cut into manageable pieces and Mark has been working away at each morning for a few hours until today the last piece of wood was cut!

And my studio was returned to peacefulness. I function better in quiet and even with noise canceling headphones it was distracting.

In the quietness I am beading, a new piece featuring cubic right angle weave. It's a nice strong geometric piece and I wanted a non competing but feminine chain. St. Petersburg chain came to mind and I remember doing it years and years ago, but it isn't a stitch I had committed to memory. A quick search and I found instructions on Mortira's Inspirational Beading Blog. The directions were well written with large photos so I could see what to do. There are quite a few nice tutorials there. It's quite nice when someone takes the time to share their knowledge.

In a little bit of time I came up with this.

I was toying with the idea of putting a crystal on each point and then I came to my senses when I realized how many crystals that would be!

I want to finish up the double chain and decide if it's the right width. Tomorrow is slated to be a bead all day kind of day, with the second of Kate's workshops being held in my studio, I'll have beading company.


  1. Really like the look of the double St. Petersburgh chain, and really like your color selection.

  2. Small fire polish on alternating sides? Just a thought. Wonderful color choice!

  3. Hi, Marcia! I'm so glad that you enjoyed my tutorial! St. Petersburg chain is one of my all time favorite stitches. Your chain looks fantastic - I love the colors!
