Saturday, August 13, 2011

American Craft Council

Yesterday Susan, owner of the Beading Frenzy and I took the rare day off and drove to San Francisco to visit the American Craft Council show. We meandered through the city, parking on the bay at Green Field and waling the 1/2 mile or so over to Fort Mason.

I was unusually disciplined walking the entire show before deciding what artist's work I would like to take home with me.

I decided on a pair of bright graphic, beautifully crafted pair of earrings from Susan Dyer.

They are incredibly fun and Susan herself was a delight. Turns out she is from Milwaukee Wisconsin so we had a chat about the annual Bead and Button show and she was a knitter so we shared yarn store stories.

I especially love the asymmetry of these. Susan graciously offered to change out the bottoms or tails as she calls them So the would be mismatched.

Last night we had a nice dinner invitation for a home cooked meal in a beautiful garden and today En Pointe has it's debut!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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