Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dancing Light

The second (or third depending on how one counts) is now complete. Since I leave for Alaska next week and this is the Alaskan project, you might say none too soon. And that would be right. I made this many months ago but I wasn't satisfied with the engineering. So I made it again in a different colorway and perfected all the elements I was unhappy with.

And that might have been good enough except, everyone liked the bronze purple sample best and I couldn't bring along a sample that was less then my best work. So.....I got busy making the third sample. A third is usually when I really begin to understand a project, what works best for connections, single or double thread, where the fiddly bits show up, so it served me well to make this third one.

It's perfect, with the lovely folded fans showing just a peek of their Swarovksi crystals when you move. The subtle glittering that results certainly dances with the light. I'll be happy to be able to wear this on the cruise with the amazing dark green velvet wrap that I bought to go with it. It will be perfect with the cool Alaskan air.


  1. Wow, both are fantastic, I love them!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for designing a necklace that is certainly worthy of being on a cruise to Alaska. It is beautiful!

  3. Bronze/purple one is stunning!! Gabriella
