Thursday, December 29, 2011


My friend Susan finished knitting this a couple of weeks ago. I guess it is a testament to how much she really likes it because she was unwilling to immediately gift it to me.....and I need one

So it looks like I may have to knit it myself. Not that I'm not capable, well we'll see, I suspect I can. I'm off right now to get the yarn, because I need a distraction from drawing beads. And a visit with my friend.

I'll let you know what yarn I get. I think I have the beady eyes covered.

I know nothing about where the pattern came from, but if you too need one, I will be finding out.

Update: Well that didn't take long...with the help of revelry and a search of owl shawl, I found this link. The pattern is 3 euros which I find totally reasonable. Ah yes, the instant gratification of the internet.

Mark will join me as we go off for a little mid day outing, lunch at the Station (the best black bean burger), a stop in Junque, to see if the matching candlestick is still there, I only bought one, we've decided we need two, and then onto the Grove for yarn. Then back to the computer and drawing beads.

Every day I learn more and am now firmly ensconced in symbol libraries, building a library of all the various bead shapes I use on a regular basis. Then I can just open the symbol library, break the link, change the color to the ones I need for the current project and then save the new symbol. That was my morning, this afternoon, I need to finish up the third project, well actually I need to start it and finishing would be good. I have that and one more for tomorrow to stay on track with the plan.

But I know if I don't take time out it won't be good for me, so a little time out is in order.


  1. The owl shawl is adorable. I love the knitted things you make. Enjoy your outing. It sounds like a perfect day.

  2. I love how you said "we've decided we need two", and trying to imagine Mark saying, "You know, honey, I think we need another candlestick here..."

    It's just not loading, somehow.

  3. Love the owls, and I adore the little beads for the eyes. Just a nice touch, and subtle.

  4. Ravelry is wonderful. One can find anything there. I saved this pattern as I'm currently in a knitting phase making wristlets, small shawls, neckwarmers - pretty much only 1 skein items. I've also discovered the indie yarn dyers & have been buying yarn from them thru Etsy. My local yarn stores don't carry much of the hand dyed & I love it.

    Thanks for showing this little shawl. Your blog so often has something to inspire me.
