Saturday, December 10, 2011

An incredible Giveaway by Lark

and yes by me too.....I'll tell you in a minute today's contribution to my blog hop destash, but you really must visit the Lark Craft blog because over there they are giving away 38! Lark books all in one bundle. Now with 38 they point out that you may already own some of them....certainly I do, but owning a second copy means gifting. You probably have other artistic friends who would love the gift of a beautiful Lark book.

So here's the link Go ahead, I'll wait.

But do come back because on this blog, well earlier this week you saw the little create shrink plastic made for a dream keeper vessel ring, that's right I am tucking one set of instructions for you to make your very own dream keeper, and I'll tuck in a blank dream too, should you want to capture your own dream.

I'm going to go brave the MALL. I may be crazy but I have a Williams of Sonoma errand to do, and since I've become obsessed (thanks Val) with glitter nails I want to stop into Sephora. I currently have smoky grey metallic with silver sparkle, but I am in search of some bronze sparkle, and some fuchsia nail polish (surprised?) Do you think they make bronze sparkle? I hope so. And I would like to find Mark a baby blue cashmere v neck sweater, I love him in baby blue. He doesn't ever read the blog, so I won't' be giving away any surprises.


  1. Dear Marcia,
    Boy are u of my sons wants my to take him to Pearl Paint, The Container Store and Stacks Pancake House in Paramus, NJ today...I looked at him in absolute horror....Xmas traffic on route've got to be kidding me....oh well...what do you expect from an experienced 17 year old shopper....I'll be beading in my funky little house today...hope you have fun!

  2. You are definitely brave. I keep waiting & putting it all off, but I know eventually I'm going to have to go to THE MALL! Most of my shopping will be at Costco so sweet!


  3. I am so thankful to be done with my shopping this year. I do not envy you this lol.

  4. Nope! No stores for me, except for the grocery store of course! Good luck!

  5. Good luck at the mall... that's the last place I want to be today!

  6. I would love to be entered into your drawing... you have such great taste! Good luck at the mall today!

    Thank you for the opportunity in the prize drawing as well as for all that you share with us, year round.


  7. you are a brave sole for sure! I would love a Dream keeper of my own but to tell the truth I would so make this one for my sweet daughter first!

  8. Marcia, you are so welcome! I just knew introducing you to sparkle nail polish was the right thing to do, with all the bling you wear :o) enjoy the mall. I don't envy you!
    x, Val

  9. The mall? I thought I was brave by driving by the mall, but going in? Rock on, girlfriend!!

  10. You are very brave, indeed. I am doing everything possible to avoid the mall this year...lots of handmade goodies will be sent out, but a gift for my 11 year old nephew will necessitate a trip to one electronics store or another as I have yet to figure out a DIY circuit board.....

  11. The dream keeper ring would look lovely on my finger!

  12. Yes I have seen a bronze sparkly nail polish...I spent waaay too much time at Ulta looking at nail polishes the other day and picked up a goldish sparkle one too. Have fun today would love to win anything.

  13. There is a trip to the mall in my future next week to take a friend. It's going to be an adventure for sure!

  14. Best of luck braving the mall... I'm an Amazon.comm girl, myself, for everything possible!

  15. Oooooooo - I would really like the ring instructions! And my hat's off to you for braving the mall this time of year, even for Williams and Sonoma.

  16. My hubby loves cashmere and said that's what he wants for Christmas! If you find a good deal - let me know. I bought him one at Macys a few Christmases ago that still looks great.

    Love your rings and your color sense! Even on your nails! I'm loving the new nails too, but haven't gone there yet. : )

    Happy Holidays to you and Mark!

  17. Sadly Lark can't send things to us overseas peeps when they have a giveaway : ( but... that's why your blog hop is full of exciting possibilities.
    Now I just need to get my head round all the different time zones.

  18. I love the Dream Keeper ring. I love the concept of it even more!

    May the force be with you at the mall. I battled my way through one last night and came away with some neat gifts. But so exhausting! I hope you find the loveliest blue sweater for Mark.

  19. The mall. Yikes! The only good thing is the See's store there, worth the hassle this time of year. The stocking stuffers come from there. Also good for people watching and seeing what's new in the shop fronts. -- Vicki

  20. I've been doing some of my shopping online but will have to brave the mall eventually. But we're having a "consumable" Christmas this year and so my sister and I are taking BART up to the San Francisco Ferry Building tomorrow to look for all sorts of edible treats. Hope you find a lovely light blue sweater - there must be something about husbands in light blue - that's my favorite for my husband too.

  21. Oooh thanks for the link/nudge to Lark's blog page! Heading over to participate. I'm a little slow on the uptake, but what a fun generous way to wrap up 2011!

  22. I don't go near the mall hope you enjoy. Love Tuesday Morning.

  23. Wow...really? The Mall? In December? You are a brave woman! It might be quicker if you knit that baby blue sweater than to go to the Mall! But I sure hope they have Bronze sparkle nail polish for you so the trip is worth it!

    I have a very dear friend that would just about die if I made her a Dream Keeper Vessel ring! She wears some of the greatest rings...and this one would be so perfect for her!

    And that Lark giveaway is out of this world! 38 books! I am totally signing up for that one! Thanks for the link!

  24. Happy 1002nd post - I've been an admirer of yours for quite some time now and absolutely love the idea of making a dream keeper vessel Hope you survived the mall!

  25. Enjoy the mall for me too! Thanks for your fantastic giveaway!

  26. Mucha suerte en tus compras de Navidad!! Estas navidades yo decidí que todo lo que regale va a ser hecho con mis manos....pero realmente no se si tenga el tiempo para lograrlo!! sabes me encanta procastrinar!! Thank you Marcia for your Art!!

  27. Love the headband and your addition to the giveaway box today is wonderful! Very generous

  28. I still have to make some time for Christmas shopping.
    Have a good time at the mall. :)

  29. The mall?! The thought actually gives me the shivers. I have managed to avoid malls for the past 4 years just by making Christmas presents all year long. Or trying to, anyways. Sometimes I have to come up with something else, but I've been doing pretty good with it!

  30. I need to brave the mall today too >.< I was only coming only long enough for my hair to dry before going outside.. that was awhile ago and my hair is perfectly dry >.< but it's cold out there.. and the mall is insane right now and I know it >.< *sigh*

  31. I saw so many beatyful Dream-Keeper-Vessels during you class by Petra, so now I want to make one for myself!!

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  33. All I want for Christmas is the pattern for a Dreamkeeper ring (along with the other goodies, of course)!!!

  34. The dreamkeeper ring is amazing. Please pick me! :)

  35. Good luck at the mall!

    Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  36. What a great idea. I love gifts especially beading ones. Thanks for this fun adventure.
    Pat Wiley

  37. This blog hop is delightful idea. Now I can say that my checking out blogs is productive,not just fun.

  38. This hop and chance for goodies is so wonderful - much like you are. Thanks!

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  40. I, too, went to the Mall today, and Sam's and some specialty shops. My dogs are tired. Whew!

    But, back to the hop, yes, please and thank you! Thanks for the reminder about Lark's giveaway, too.

    I would love to make a Dream Keeper ring. I know just what I'd put on the shrinky dink.

  41. Thank you for bringing attention to the Larks give-away, another great initiative.

    And your today's contribution: wowwww, love it! So again, I would like to be included in the draw, thanx!!!

  42. Boy this gets more fun every day. I do not envy you the mall. We live 2 hours from the closet mall and that is one of the few good things about living here.

  43. I've been in love with this ring ever since I first saw it. Thank you for this opportunity.

  44. I braved the mall today also. Luckily, it was a quick "run in and run out." Have you tried the Shatter polish? It's pretty cool also. I'm currently loving the gold shatter over red polish.

  45. Beautiful ring. Braving the mall is too much for me- lol! Good luck!

  46. The vessel ring is a favorite of mine....would be happy to win!

  47. i'm dreaming of vessel ring on my finger.

  48. Oh I love that Dream Keeper ring! Hope the shopping went well and you found everything you needed.

  49. You are killing me with this giveaway stuff! All the fabulous items you've put in, THEN the dreamweaver instructions, I have my fingers and eyes crossed!! BTW, I've done little Christmas preparation, five days of no power post "wind event" tends to slow one down. That said, I will chew off my own arms before I drive to the mall. That's why Al Gore invented the internet! :-)

  50. I''m just starting he shopping--can't wait to do Grandma gifts--so much fun. Love the Dream Keeper!! Hope I win those instructions.

  51. I would love to make that ring. One of the dreams I would hide in would be to win this draw...

    I wonder if some artist have ever invented a way of making your own nail polish. I mean adding stuff in a base of clear polish, like glitter eye shadow or iridescent powder, or adding some tiny tiny marcassites on top.

  52. Wow! The dream keeper ring is awesome! I hope your trip to the mall wasn't too traumatic.

  53. The way!
    This great giveaway, most definitely. I would love to win!
    Happy Holidays with all that sparkle on your nails.
    Have fun!

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  55. I Would love to win this pattern--have liked it so much from the first time I saw it.
    I've entered the Lark book giveaway --hope I win.
    Went out today and hubby was along--we finished our Christmas shopping-yeh!!

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. That ring is a dream! Hope I win. You are a brave woman to go to the mall during the weekend but I was crazy & shopped black Friday. Lol. Hope you make it out of the mall in one piece.

  58. Finished my shopping today except for my Mother. She is the hard one to buy for. Time to finish a necklace the off to bed. I love your new idea for the swap.

  59. Wow, I would love to make your Dream
    Keeper ring. Thanks you for the chance. Good luck at the mall and be safe.

  60. What a cool ring. I'd love to try something like that.


  61. The ring is great and 38 books would be an entire library. This is the season of giving for sure.

  62. Thank you for some more generous contributions to the giveaway and your grandaughters headbsnd is just so cute!!!

  63. Hi Marcia,
    Congratulations on your 1002nd post !
    I never win anything so usually I don't enter any competition or lottery but this time I have to ! I'd love to win the instructions for the dreamkeeper vessel so I'm in ! I love it so much like every design of yours,
    Thank you !

  64. What brand of sparkle nail polish are you using?

  65. Not going anywhere near the mall until February! Shivers in horror...

  66. Good luck at the mall! I won't go anywhere near there until 2012!

  67. Oh be still my heart! you've included the vessel ring...swoon! Glad the mall trip was pretty much painless. My shopping is long finished now I'm the personal shopper for various friend's husbands, actually quite fun! now off to hop the blogs!
    Cheers, Cyn =0)

  68. Oh be still my heart! you've included the vessel ring...swoon! Glad the mall trip was pretty much painless. My shopping is long finished now I'm the personal shopper for various friend's husbands, actually quite fun! now off to hop the blogs!
    Cheers, Cyn =0)

  69. Oh be still my heart! you've included the vessel ring...swoon! Glad the mall trip was pretty much painless. My shopping is long finished now I'm the personal shopper for various friend's husbands, actually quite fun! now off to hop the blogs!
    Cheers, Cyn =0)

  70. I love the ring and I love your work

  71. The mall is exactly the reason I love the internet! Good luck. And thank you for the link to the Lark Books giveaway! I'm excited about all of your goodies! Can't wait to find out who wins!

  72. a dream vessel ring! I have some dreams that need vessels and that would be a perfect place to name them, even if to keep them secret from the world just yet.

  73. I love those rings! This blog hop has been a lot of fun, thank you for doing it!
