Monday, December 12, 2011

Rainy Monday Blog Hop

Yep, it's raining, and in general I am a fan of rain, well of weather in general, but I prefer a little wind and some steady rain, this is just dismal and gray. But it is a good day to stay in and bead. I'm midway through a book project that I am loving, always nice. I've started kitting my Tucson projects and am finishing up the Beading by the Bay projects, and at the moment I don't have any knitting on the needles, how is that? Well I do actually, I have a bright pink lace scarf with sequins and beads, but I can't find the pattern....

For today I've added a really pretty lamp work bead. I love all my lamp work beads, but I have a tendency to fondle them rather then use them in beadwork. Part of it is the need for repeatability in designs. Something that is necessary when you are teaching classes, writing books and making kits available. So for now my lamp work goes unused so I thought I would share this fun piece. I am so sorry, it's been with me so long I don't recall the artist. Update! Kim f rom not Just Beads wrote to remind me the bead is by Robert Jennick.

I have paired it up with a pretty piece of shibori ribbon from shibori girl. It is a beautiful hand dyed piece of silk which can be sewn into a tube for a wonderful necklace.

As promised last week, The Rising Sun and the Bird of Paradise have both made it to the shop this week and there is plenty of inventory for both. I will only be able to ship through Wednesday of this week however, so if you need a Christmas present you'll want to decide today or tomorrow.

This is a whimsical bit of bead weaving I first designed for the Carribean cruise I did last March.

The Rising Sun was named by Mark, the first one having a bright orange button at it's center. The teal and silver piece doesn't invoke the thought of the rising sun as much, the rising moon perhaps. I love the offset textured bumps on this one.

Two more days for this giveaway! And then I'm off. We'll leave the house in the capable hands of our house sitter, and travel up to Santa Cruz where for the first time in two years all of my children and their families will be together!


  1. Lovely lamp worked bead. Enjoy your rainy day beading!

  2. I'm jealous as it does sound so wonderful to sit and bead on this rainy day. Such lovely goodies going into the box!

  3. Dismal and gray? Sounds like Michigan all winter. I can attest to how much fun the Bird of Paradise project was on the bead cruise, I hope it does well for you as a kit. Enjoy your family.

  4. Love the lampwork bead! That teal and silver piece is so pretty!

  5. Tha Bird of Paradise is a really cute piece :) And the lampwork bead would feel very much at home with my stash ;)

  6. I love Rainy Days...but I also prefer more drastic weather phenomenons like snow storms, thunderstorms etc! But beading inside on a dark and rainy day sounds perfect!

    And today is my birthday and that sounds like a perfect way to spend it to me...but it's bright and sunny here...although it is still a cold 23 degrees!

    I love that shibori ribbon and lampwork bead! So many beautiful pieces going into this gets more exciting every day!

    I hope you enjoy your lovely rainy day of beading!

  7. Thanks for deciding to part with that beautiful bead, Marcia. It really does go so well with the ribbon.

  8. The lampwork bead is absolutely beautiful. Have fun beading today.

  9. Yay for everyone being together at Christmas! I love your addition to the giveaway.

  10. Love the Lamp work bead!

    And the The Rising Sun and the Bird of Paradise... ooooo soooo gorgeous!!!

  11. What a pretty lampwork bead. Have a fun day beading. I know I will.

  12. The rising sun in blue is beautiful. I love Shibori Girl's work - she's very talented

  13. Wow, Gorgeous bead and the Shibori ribbon is very pretty too. Enjoy your rainy day beading

  14. That lampwork bead is stunning! I'd love to see it in person. ;)

    I love a good rainy day, at home.

  15. The lamp worked bead is fabulous!

  16. I agree rainy days are great for beading. Nice texture on the lampwork bead

  17. That's a gorgeous bit of lamp work, and a lovely ribbon too. I honestly couldn't say what I'd do with either one. I tend to keep ribbons and fabric bits to fondle, and usually use up my lamp work as fast as I can get it.

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  20. Love, love, love the sparkly nail polish and the focal bead!!!

  21. what a beautiful lamp work bead! we here in Washington state have been enjoying some very rare dry and some times sunny weather.....a very nice change from our constant grey and rainy winter weather!

  22. I admit to being a 'bead stroker' too! That is a beauty however and if I wore it I could still stroke it!!

  23. That is one gorgeous lamp work bead. Funny, I feel the same about them too, and rarely use them in a design.
    Beautiful sunny weather here (just outside Toronto) with temperatures warmer than normal for this time of year.

  24. Two lovely kits and more tempting lovelies! It's going to be pretty horrid here tomorrow too so I might follow your lead, batten down the hatches and bead....

  25. If this isn't too R-rated, I'd love to fondle your bead! Count me in again!

  26. I, too, tend to fondle my lampwork beads!!
    I'd love to fondle this one, so original!!


  27. Lovely bead and ribbon :) I LOVE that bracelet! the blues and teals make me think more 'ocean depths' than rising moon though... maybe it the button was white... Oh well, no matter the name, it just beautiful :) Have a great time with your family!

  28. Wow! What a gorgeous lampwork bead! Who is the artist? Enjoy the rain. It's been beautifully sunny (but Cold) here on the Oregon Coast and I am loving the sunshine! I guess we get to swap weather for a while.

  29. Bird of Paradise reminds me of elephant ears, nice.

  30. Marcia no puedo esperar que llegue el dia!! Me encanta cuando llueve. Siempre recuerdo cuando era pequeña y mi mama me decía cada vez que llovía que iba a ser una noche romantica!!

  31. Oh thank you Marcia for adding the two new kits. I just finished ordering your Bird of Paradise in purple. Can't wait to get it to play with and make. Love your kits!

  32. What a beautiful combo of bead and ribbon!


  33. Simply beautiful! I sometimes feel the same way about items- I just want to gaze at them and not use them- silly. Wishing you sunshine tomorrow.

  34. Beautiful bead .... and the ribbon is lovely...!

  35. That lovely bead would look spectacular on the ribbon all by itself.

  36. Marcia, all I could think after reading your post was September & October in Holland when sometimes it would be bleak and didn't t really you, I loved living there...just look out into that beautiful and unique yard that you and Mark so lovingly designed and built and be thankful for that rain!

  37. Shibori ribbon and the bumpy textured lampwork-neither have I experienced; I shall brag if I should win!

  38. Only an artist can see brightness on a dark and dismal day.
    I love the combination of the colors in the lampwork and ribbon.

  39. Oh, I want a day to sit and bead ALL day. But no gray skies, please. this time of year in Michigan, that's means snow.

    Love the lampwork.

  40. New teal and silver colorway for the Rising Sun is gorgeous. The lampwork bead and ribbon are awesome.
    Thanks for the fun blog hop!

  41. Love the new pictues! Big fan of your beadwork!

  42. I love the Rising Sun in the teal and blue - definitely my colors! It is nice to sit inside where it's warm and bead or read when it's gray and rainy outside.

  43. Love the blue version of the bracelet!

  44. Beautiful lampwork bead and love that ribbon too.

  45. It makes me happy to hear when someone gets to spend the Holidays with the whole family. It will be a grand time for everyone. Happy Holidays!!

  46. Ahhh rainy and grey a perfect day to stay in bed and curl up with a good book. That lamp work bead is beautiful!

  47. I like rain, too. Its raining in Florida and its our dry season, so its especially wonderful.

  48. The Shibori Ribbon really complements that lampwork bead beautifully!

  49. How nice that your family will be all together. That must mean we have the luxury of more wonderful models! Love those grandgirls of yours!

  50. That ribbon is luscious... mmm, bad (bead) thoughts unrelated to work now drifting through my mind.

  51. What a beautiful bead. It would make a great worry stone but I love it with the ribbon. Hope you enjoy your time with your family. This day in age, it is so hard to get everyone together at the same time. Enjoy

  52. So pretty! Enjoy your rainy day!

  53. This is one pretty bead, for sure. And the ribbon is lovely.

  54. Good morning, marcia!
    Sorry for the two posts yesterday - I promise, I'm not trying to double my chances of winning! :) I'm just bad with computers . . .
    Anyway, I agreee with the other comments - the Bird of Paradise is such a whimsical piece! And I love Rising Sun, too, its' rich texture really engages your attention!

  55. I like rainy days too :) The lampwork bead is lovely :)

  56. Love the rising sun design and I love it in these colors.

  57. The ribbon and the gorgeous ribbon are a perfect match.

  58. I haven't worked with shibori silk before, it looks interesting!

  59. Again jealous! I love Santa Cruz! I used to live in California, more southern for me, but have spent quite a bit of time in the northern area as well. What a gorgeous lampwork bead! I too have a problem with finding projects to put these beauties in...I'm always afraid my work won't do it justice! Thank you again for the wonderful treats in your treasure box giveaway!
    And here's hoping you will enjoy your Holidays with your family!

  60. Dismal and gray sounds like Wisconsin in February :-) I absolutely adore that lampwork bead, and the ribbon is gorgeous!

  61. great bead to pair with the ribbon-thanks for including a bit of it in your post!

  62. great bead to pair with the ribbon-thanks for including a bit of it in your post!

  63. great bead to pair with the ribbon-thanks for including a bit of it in your post!

  64. :: swoon :: A Robert Jennick lampwork bead AND a Shibori Girl silk shibori ribbon -- heavenly.
