Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stay Tuned

for a blog hop giveaway! Last week I mentioned on facebook that I had more stuff in the studio then I needed and that perhaps a giveaway was in order. Well a certain bead store owner who I admire chimed in with what about a blog hop?

Naive that I can be....I didn't really know how a blog hop worked, but I'm learning.

The plan is to invite 10 to 12 blogging artists to participate by providing links on their blog to the blog hop group. Each of us will be doing a giveaway which will be entered simply by leaving a comment on this blog or any or all of the others. We'll let you know when it starts and when it stops and then each of us will randomly select a name from the comments over the time period and send you a nice gift. And you'll get introduced to some in the community who you may not have known previously. Rather a good time to get acquainted since buying handmade is enjoying a nice burst in popularity.

pssstttt.....I'll be putting together a nice juicy box of goodies from the studio, and showing you pictures soon. I expect we'll start Monday and go for a week or so, but all the details will be coming to you as soon as their settled, so stay tuned!