Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What's a day?

Sorry, I thought I'd get a head start letting you know about the blog hop starting today, and I messed up the dates. So the blog hop starts today Wednesday December 7th (and I fixed yesterdays post once it came to my you're not did incorrectly say Wednesday the 6th) and so....

all of you who left comments on yesterdays December 6th post will indeed be entered.

and yes I will be including my International friends in the drawing, and I will be shipping your box as a gift, which it is.

and what is going in the goodie box today?

The rivolis are light vitrial and the shrink plastic 'create' fits into a dream keeper vessel ring, who knows how that could come in handy, you may want to stay tuned all week.

It's early in the day, I'm a morning girl, so I'm not sure if all of the blog hoppers are hopping yet, but a click on the blog hop button on the side bar will take you to the list or you can click here.

If you're new here I'll try to include some usual content for your reading pleasure, or you can have a wander through the archives. I try to tell you a bit about my travels, my bead endeavors, my second love knitting and generally what I'm up to.

But for today, this will need to suffice. I'm encouraged by my friend Rachel's walking prowess to do better myself, and after the walk I'll be back at the computer creating illustrations. I'm starting to relax into the task, although each new project brings a challenge that causes me to stretch my illustrator skills that much more. And just in case I would get comfortable, the new lion os update changed the way my trackpad scrolls (yes it might be a setting somewhere and I should go have a look, but I haven't) and those kinds of things are hard on this brain. That and my mobile me calendar won't port over to my i-cloud calendar, that will have to be next weeks job.


  1. Entering on day 2 and cannot wait to see what else goes in the goodie box. Thanks

  2. Must have been something in the air....I saw a lot of other people yesterday thinking it was the 7th! Whichever day it is, I love and follow your blog regularly, and would LOVE to win your box of goodies!

  3. Can't wait for your new book....the pieces that you showed us at Blanches' were beautiful. Such a shame that we have to wait so long until the book comes out....definitely worth the wait.....!!!

  4. Are you going to add goodies every day? This just gets better and better!

  5. I'd love to be entered into your drawing!


  6. This is so cool. I am also wondering when your new book will be out. Will dream keeper ring be in there?

  7. Google is being obstinate - hope you don't get this twice! You are my first read every morning! And soon I will get to soak up your creativity for 3 days - I couldn't be more excited to attend Beading By the Bay!
    Christmas Blessings to you and yours!

  8. Marcia, your give away will be the most personal of all the blogs because we all have connection through beads- especially crystals(rivolis!)
    If I win the giveaway I will name the pile of beads and crystals Marcia's Inspiration Bling!
    I do follow your blog everyday since you've taught in Alaska;it is my morning wake up.

  9. Ha! a bloghop! I'm in. Looking forward to the new's gonna be a wonderful book. Just keep on going.

  10. Let me think, would I like something from Marcia?


    I love the color of your giveaway, and the idea of the blog hop.

    Thank you for your generosity.

  11. Such a great giveaway... and I know the problems with lion :-)

  12. Hi I just followed your blog and thank you for a chance to win your goodies.

  13. Those rivolis are stunning! I would love to add them to my stash lol. <3

  14. I'd love a chance to win your goodies! Looking forward to seeing what else is in there. Thanks!!

  15. What a wonderful giveaway! I hear that you will have a new book - looking forward to it!

  16. As I said yesterday, what a generous give-away....and now its even better.
    I too read your blog everyday, as do so many others, for inspiration and to enjoy all your lovely creations both beaded & knitted.

  17. I love reading about your adventures, and explorations into computer stuff. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  18. Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I love those beads, so pretty! Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  20. Going to bed now - reading the new Perlen-Poesie! Wonderful pattern ! Thank you, Marcia!

  21. It was a Monday, cleverly disguised as a Tuesday (they're sneaky that way!) Looks like you're another crazily creative person (Saner Sister calls me that because I like to bead, write, draw upon occasion, play the piano, now I'm getting into clay... See? Crazy! ~ha~)

  22. Oooo. Pretty pretty! I'm a vintage type girl myself so love these colors and this style. Thanks for doing this! I'm here via Lori Anderson's blog. Nice to meet you!

  23. It's OK, it's not much of a trouble to comment one more time, when someone is giving stuff away for free :-) I'll be doing it every day anyway ;-D

  24. Ooh...prety pretties! I love that you included a little piece of the shrink plastic for your ring! Excellent choices added so far! I heve never done a blog hop before but so far this looks like fun!

  25. I really love your blog and love the idea of the blog hop.

  26. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

  27. I love your blog and the idea of a blog hop and would love to win the goodie box.

  28. One of my favorite colors! I promise to do some beadweaving if I win . . . maybe even some RAW!

  29. What a great goody box!!! The "create" shrinky dink caught my eye... I'm still looking forward to beading the dream keeper vessel ring some day! Thanks for the great goodies!

  30. Oh my bloggy goodness- beautiful blog!

  31. Marcia I love reading your blog. I am going to do some blog hopping tonight to see the others. Pink is one of my favorite colors.

  32. More gorgeous stuff for the box! Yippee!

  33. ooooh! This is so fun! Thanks for a chance at winning!

  34. What a fun hop. I would love to be a winner!

  35. I'm in love with the goodies so far!

  36. Momma needs new jewelry! Please enter me in the drawing.

  37. Waiting impatiently for your new book, I know it will be wonderful.
    Thank you for the chance to win the goodie box!

  38. Joining too also your drawing!

  39. Thank you so much, Marcia, for participating and giving us a chance to win!

  40. this is a great give away!!!hoping to win!!!

  41. I can just imagine how gorgeous the goodies are. I'm hoping this is my lucky day.

  42. I love your work. It would be great to win your giveaway.

  43. I am not normally a purple person but these are just gorgeous. I am desperate to make one of the dream keeper vessel rings....can't wait until you release a pattern for this one!

  44. It's been fun checking out all the blogs in the hop and seeing their goodies. Here's crossing my fingers.

  45. Marcia,
    What a beautiful mix you have created as a very generous giveaway. I follow your blog and enjoy it so very much. Your work is outstanding. Thanks for this opportunity, I hope to win!
    Happy Holidays to all!

  46. Oooh! One can never have too many beads. Since I have already won a pair of Marcia earrings on last year's Bead Cruise, it would be won-derful to add some Marcia beads to my collection.

  47. Would love to win your box of goodies! Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  48. Love the blog hop. Hope to win. Thanks for the chance. Merry Christmas

  49. Oh, I love the goodie box! So I'm crossing my fingers for this! I would so love to win it!!
    And I had the same comments about the way Lion makes the track pad work (very Microsoft -- scroll your fingers down when you want to go up! -- Why?). I don't like the changes to Preview either. But, grumble grumble, I still love Mac and wouldn't go back to a PC for anything!

  50. Love what's gone in so far!


  51. Thank you so much for the giveaway! Sign me up!

  52. Love those rivolis!

  53. Can't wait to see what else you put in...

  54. Yay! Entering for Day Two and can't wait to see what else goes in the box!

  55. Thanks for counting me in, Marcia! What you've added so far is gorgeous.

  56. Just found your blog through Lori Anderson's. Thanks for being part of this awesome giveaway!

  57. Wow, What a generous prize you have put up!! I always look forward to reading your blog to see what new blinginess you have come up with. I know you love blingy things, so thanks again for sharing from your lovely stash.

  58. ohhhhh... love the crystals.. thy are soooo yummy!

  59. Thanks, this is fun. Merry Christmas

  60. I have just found your blog recently and I have really really been enjoying all the posts. Great Color on the rivolis. I can hardly wait for your new book.

  61. this blog hop is cool, and i regularly read here anyway...

  62. What a gorgeous colors in the give-away. Thank you so much for a change to enter as a Dutch woman.

  63. There is a setting in Lion OS which changes your scroll settings back to the way they were before, in "Mouse and Trackpad system preferences". I still can't work out why the Lion scroll direction is called 'natural'!


  64. Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. I am so excited at the chance to win your destash beads!! Thanks!!

  66. Wao!!! esta semana va a estar genial!! me acabo de enterar por un comentario que estas en proceso de publicar otro libro...yesss!!!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. OOOoooooh me, I want to enter Marcia!
    What a very generous idea!
    Hugs! x

  69. Wow I'm so pleased us internationals can enter too!

  70. Some beautiful goodies going into the box and more to come it seems! Would love to be in with a chance of winning - I have beaded with some light vitrail rivolis and can testify they as every bit as gorgeous in real life as in that photo!

  71. Oh my, the colors are right up my alley:-)

  72. Gorgeous purple. Who cares what day it is when it's a bead day? :)

  73. It's wonderful to share this passion across states, oceans, countries, languages and cultures...

  74. I just discovered you, and what a way to do it! This would be a fantastic Christmas present for me ;) I love getting mixes other people put together to see what kinds of creativity it will squeeze out of me.

  75. The pinks yesterday were pretty but today's purples are way more fun.

  76. Wowie zowie, good luck to me! And everyone else, too.

  77. It's so easy to mix up days this time of the year!! Too much going on in our heads!! Anxious to see what other beautiful goodies you put in. Thanks for the chance.

  78. I can't wait to see what is in the goodie box too! Great giveaway and a treat to discover new blogs...thank you. Marlene email: arteveryday(at)

  79. I'd love to be entered to win a Blog Hop Box of goodness from you!!

    Thank you for being so generous!

    Amy AT BeadAndGlass DOT com

  80. How exciting! I'm crossing my fingers!

  81. Thank you for participating in this gorgeous,generous Hop!! All of you ladies are wonderful!!
    Thank you

  82. This blog hop/giveaway has been so much fun! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!


  83. Marcia -- love those buttons. Thanks for the invite and for sharing. Gonna act like a bunny and hop on over to the next blog...*

  84. Oh my what a package you have put together and what a great inspiration you are to all of us! I would so love to win!

  85. Would love to win all these lovely beads! Thanks for the giveaway!

  86. Please count me in! What a generous offering!

  87. Ooooh purrrrplllle :D

    *L* sorry.. can you tell that lovely shade is one of my favorites?

  88. This giveaway is a great opportunity to boost up my bead stash, since it's rather poor for the time being. I'm so excited!

  89. Beautiful work!!! Just discovered you! (thanks to Lori!!) Wow! Would love any lil piece of something from your for inspiration!!!

  90. I jealous that you can take a walk outside this time of year...doing so here would be dangerous with the snow and ice. Watching what goodies you are donating will be fun with your various talents!

  91. Purple has ben growing on me and these are lovely.
