Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Does color come naturally to you?  I find that I can even when picking out a palette which I'm clearly happy with, I mean who can go wrong with bronze, olive, gold and a touch of's just not that simple.  Placement makes a huge difference, even in a small component, changing out a crystal for a pearl, choosing the bright gold seed versus the dark metallic, pink on the edge or pink just below the pearl, they all make a difference.  And then I start to confuse myself...I like the top of this one, but the bottom of this more sample....but what if?  And the prototyping goes on.

Now I know because I've asked, that for some of us that the choices are clear, but it just doesn't always work that way for me.  I am highly visual and I often have to see how the beads are going to interact.  It's not always just color either, the size or shape or finish I choose all contribute to the overall effect.

So you know what I've decided for this one?  Each component will be different!  Makes it really difficult to kit, and to write directions for placement, but it makes a great sample for classes and I will love doing it.

I have an idea for a large piece with these, so keeping the tedious factor down will be served by changing up each component.

It's been a wonderful week with a mix of knitting, crochet, beading, friends and keeping up with the to do's of the business.  There are photos to send and supply lists for future classes, some ordering to be done and some kits to be shipped, but all in all it's a pretty low key week where I can steal some hours for puttering about.  The weather has been about as perfect as one could ask for, clear, low 80's but with a gentle breeze.  It's the time of year that we live on the veranda and as we watch the landscaping from last year fill in and the potted succulents and ferns on the veranda surround us with greenery, we feel very content to be at home.


  1. I have to say I love the way you work Marcia, you are excellent at prototyping. I think that I should be more like this some times. I tend to dive head first into a design, and press on to finish it even if I'm not entirely happy with it, it appears to be the only thing I am impatient about, and the one thing that I should be more patient about, Doh!!

  2. Oh gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the colors, and I can't wait to see!! I have only prototyped one or two pieces, but I have a huge lot of UFO's that will probably never get finished, if those count... ;)

  3. They do count Nancy, that is usually how my 'prototypes' work out. In the UFO bowl. And Lynsey, I didn't say I like the process, only that over time I have learned not to go forward with a combination I'm not happy with because I never will be.

  4. I just start in, and if I like how the colors are working, I keep going. If I don't like it, I may try to fix it by adding in something else, or I may just tear it to bits and start over. Sometimes colors that I think are going to be great together really stink - and sometimes the weirdest combinations manage to work. It's all trial and error for me.

  5. Ha Cynthia, trial and error is what I call prototyping!

  6. Color selection is perhaps the most time consuming, sometimes agonizingly fun part of a project. I, like you, am very visual too. I have to see how it looks for real before I decide if I like it. I guess we should consider that it is a form of job security or maybe just hours of future amusement.

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  8. Marcia, i love these selection of colors, maybe add a bit of yellow:)))

    I have also to many UFO-s, maybe on times i make a finish my work SWAP challenge...:))))

  9. Can't tell you the number of times I take pieces apart just because I don't like the way the colours or beads work together even when they looked good sprinkled on my mat! It's not just colour but finish too. A nightmare!
    I've learned to keep trying because sometimes even a small change can turn a piece into something I love.

  10. Hi Marcia,
    I'm loving the beading posts, especially today's. I've got a couple of projects going, including one combining beadweaving and polymer clay beads I've created. Oh the many color and design decisions being made! How's Miss Maya?

  11. Miss Maya is excellent, and I remember you like the beady content, I'll try to keep it up!
