Saturday, June 30, 2012

Still Beading

Amidst the knitting and crochet that got accomplished this week, I also beaded.

I'm working on a series of pieces that are made up of bits of beadwork that I combine.  Here is an Aurelia with a Cassandra, a modified Cassandra at that.  It is not symmetrical, the accent beads were placed with 6 and 4 pearls between rather then the 5 and 5 of the original medallion.  It changes the shape quite a bit and I love it for dangling the black diamond oval from JP Designs.

I intend to explore this path of component combinations for some time....I'll share the journey as I go.

And speaking of JP Designs, she will be exhibiting at the Pasadena Bead and Design Show.  I've just made plans to go for my first time ever!  Also there will be JudiPatuti with her colorful bead mats, thread catchers and totes, and two of my favorite clothing designers, Jane Mohr from Dressed to Kill and URU clothing.  This could be problematic, as clothing is the one place I still fail on spending conservatively, well maybe not the one place, but the one that most reliably undoes my good intentions.

And here for Ellen, who asked about Miss Maya, is her appearing as one of the family at the outside dining table.  Inside she would never attempt this, outside her manners are a little less in check.

It's back to beading today, or at least collecting beads for our two week vacation, where I expect a lot of beading time.  I have a number of bead assignments, including new colors for the Southern Bead Retreat piece, Spirit Flight, the finishing up of the Beading by the Bay piece, unnamed as of yet,  and the beginnings of the next book, The Bead Within.  


  1. Miss Maya is so cute - she belongs at the table!

  2. I love how you have combined your components, I will be following your explorations, they are awe inspiring.
