Monday, July 30, 2012

2013 Master Class Bead and Button

The news I promised last week, I will be teaching the 2013 Bead and Button Master Class.  I've known for quite some time, having been invited to teach in 2014, but about a month ago I was asked if I might be able to adapt my schedule to teach in 13 instead.  

Since I was first asked I had been developing my concept so I felt quite comfortable saying yes.  

The title Playing with Possibilities is what I always do during any design session.  Even when working up samples of already designed pieces, I am toying with the components, re-arranging them, folding them, twisting them and exploring what might occur if I were to change things a bit.

This will be the essence of the three days, where a design playground of components will be available for folks to arrange into their own design visions.  Tutorials for all of the components will be provided and once a design direction is established, photos will be taken and the beading will begin. 

Just to give you an idea.....none of these pieces have actually been connected into their final format, they have all been arranged with components to show off the 'possibilities'



  1. That's amazing! I love the components too, they look very versatile. :)

  2. This is sooooo great!! I think I'll try to get into the lottery for next year, I'd love to take this class!

  3. What a great way to get the creative juices flowing in class!

  4. Marcia, that's so exciting! Looks like it's going to be a splendidly fun and useful class. :)

  5. congrats! It looks to be a wonderful and informative class. The components work together wonderfully

  6. Awesome! Wish I was going! Congratulations!

  7. I am going to apply for the lottery!
