Monday, July 16, 2012

Vacation is drawing to a close

And I am trying to decide what last things to fit in, although truly its been magical so far and no more really needs doing.

The weather has been exceptional most every day, throwing in just one thunder and lightening storm and one brief rolling thunder and downpour, both of which I of course loved.

The natural beauty here is breathtaking.

I've had beading success, finishing up my Beading by the Bay piece and a number of odd components....and no I am not showing you BBTB until we do the project reveal in a couple of weeks.....but I am most happy with it.

Today we went to the Museum of flight and Mark took a bi-plane ride....I took photos

I am thinking of a favorite Thai restaurant followed up by a visit to Molly Moons and perhaps Fusion Beads, we'll see how the day unfolds.

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