Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beading by the Bay - Registration is upon us

Well almost.  For those who joined us last year, registration will open on September 1st.  You must have a look at your email for the special link that will allow you early sign up, and you'll want to do it before September 14th to make sure you have a spot.

This years artists are Sabine Lippert, Huib Petersen and myself!

Should we have spots left we'll open registration for the remaining spaces on September 15th at twelve noon pacific standard time.

I still sometimes marvel at how wonderful my world is.  Susan Kazarian and I brainstormed this event on a road trip to Tucson in February 2009.  We held our first Beading by the Bay retreat in 2010 and 2013 will be the fourth year.  Each year it is like greeting excellent friends as we welcome back last years students.

We've purposely decided to keep it intimate, although we'd love to extend a welcome to all who are interested, we wrestle instead with practical limitations.  Yet each year a few slots open up, so if you're wanting to come, will have all the information you need, and on September 15th at noon, there will also be a buy button!

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