Sunday, August 5, 2012

Design Mode

I've finished up Beads in Motion, well almost, still a few administrative details to attend to and now I'm on to The Bead Within.

I've been playing with cubic raw and I'm liking how it flows.  A piece of cubic raw is so flexible, yet has some heft to it and the combination makes for bits of beadwork that you can 'draw' with.  It will bend into different shapes, make itself into curlicues, lends itself to curves and creates geometry with angles.

Huib Petersen is one of the masters of this technique as is Heather Collin.  I'm just starting to explore it, and incorporated a wee bit into my Beading by the Bay piece.

My next design, the one that is currently in prototype mode uses cubic raw with changes in bead sizes to create interest.  I'm happy so far with the result, but it's at that point.....the how do I connect it to a necklace point.  Always somewhat anxiety producing for me these design cross roads.  Thinking about what direction to take, working out the engineering, the sizing.  Since I typically start with a pile of beads and little to no plan, I don't always see the challenges coming.  The curved top of my piece is an even count.....had it been an odd count the bail I had in mind would have worked better.  Do I overcome the challenge with another plan, or do I remake the entire first element with an odd count?

I don't know either.....I'm going shopping instead...San Diego Bead Bazaar is this weekend and I'm going to go have a wander!


  1. Sounds very interesting! I can't wait to see which way you go with it. *Love* cubic RAW, it is so versatile!

  2. Beautiful and interesting! Brava!
