Thursday, August 23, 2012

Memories of Istanbul, the final report

Along with the privilege of being the one week steward of one of Sig's traveling bracelets, is the responsibility to tell the story of it's time with you and perhaps a bit about yourself, and a photo or two to be included in the 'Amazing Adventures of the Traveling Bracelets' blog.  It's a small price to pay for being part of this story, and last night after preparing for this mornings travel, I forwarded my 'report' to Sig.

I think Sig deserves a big round of applause for keeping up with the weeklong travels of ten different bracelets and maintaining the blog so we can all share in the fun.  You can read my story here.  And if you'd like to get involved there is a sign up for the bracelets here.  And if you fall in love with the patterns, you can purchase them here.

My first bracelet will be passed on tomorrow evening after a day of teaching in Ohio.  I say first, since I hope it will be the first of many.


  1. Wonderful! I am quite sure that more bracelets will find their way to you!

  2. Magnifico....genial....saludos
