Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Beaded Home

Well it would be the beaded home if I took the time to realize all of my my mind I would like to bead around all of the shade pulls in my studio, that would be 8 big beaded beads, so I haven't done it, and then the fan pulls for all of the ceiling fans, that would be 6, and then a sculpture or two.  I have a salt and pepper set waiting for bead embellishment.  It would be fun to apply beadwork to functional things in my home, but for now that dream is saved for retirement, but I did do this

This is the back of the new chair, the cozy studio chair, which you might be sick of by now, but I'm still settling into how wonderful it is.  My guess is these were installed on the chair as bumpers, so when reclined you wouldn't be marring the wall, but really, white plastic?  I couldn't bear it, so now

They are covered with these, a pretty little Terracita medallion, which almost makes me want to bead another Terracita.  I loved it in it's day, and sometimes when I go back to a design with a few more years of beading under my belt, I have different ideas for it, and new color ways.  Terracita was published in Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence so you can make a bracelet of your own, or button covers for your chair!

I was asked earlier this year if I wanted to bead for a high end interior designer and it looked like a hugely fun offer, but after some examination I realized that was an entirely different career path and so I declined the opportunity, but it was fun to contemplate.

Do you bead for your home?  Have you come up with some interesting design solutions?


  1. I love it! I have wanted to do fan pulls for a long time, but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe some day . . .

  2. Lamps plus had bronze monkey fan pulls......I was sorely tempted but I do try to restrain from frivolous impulses these days....but I may need to go back and get them, we'll see.

  3. Much better than white plastic, Marcia. Would make a great clasp design too.....
