Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My Cubic Right Angle Weave exploration brought me a new design last week.  I never quite know when a new design will show up.....I don't always set out with something in mind, or even know that I'm in design mode.  Ocassionally I'm just playing with a stitch and it guides me gently in a direction.  Such was the case with Vienna.

Judging from the Facebook page response, its a design that I think many are going to enjoy.  A long piece can be hard to photograph to show all it's parts.  Usually I would lay a piece flat and curl up the necklace so you could see the closure as well, but with chains, hanging the design for it's photo shoot was really the only way to go.  But I love the closure on this, the way the shape is integrated into the rest of the design, so I put together a little collage so you can see the details.  Since I used antique brass pearls in the cubic raw pendant top I chose a 12 mm antique brass pearl with a dorado loch rosen.  The dorado loch rosen is being discontinued this fall, obviously no one asked me about that decision!  I'm bereft.  Ok, perhaps not bereft, I just love that word, but I will miss that beautiful bronze color.


  1. The closure is clever and beautiful ... as is the pendant.

  2. Very nice, the closure is so pretty and could be the focal.

  3. Which triggers an idea Kepi, stay tuned....

  4. absolutely love the closure - what a great idea. Might be inspired to try cubic RAW...

  5. I loved it on FB and I'm loving it again. The closure is so clever.

  6. Really really beautiful Marcia
