Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bead Origami

Cindy Holsclaw is the designer behind bead origami.  She specializes in Beaded Beads and makes them into beautiful jewelry.  I love the bright colors in this Tila Garden Pendant.

And what I can tell you is that girl makes a really really pretty illustration and turns them into clear concise and pretty directions.

I first met Cindy a couple of years ago at a Northern Bead Society meeting, and she has now moved to San Diego!

She has been following my Illustrator learning curve and graciously gave up a day of her time to tutor me on a few fine points that  had escaped me.  We worked side by side, Cindy on her computer and me on mine and I was able to absorb a lot of new information and ways of doing things that I didn't know previously, so it was a day well spent.

Her schedule includes classes at this years BABE show in Oakland California the first weekend in November, so if you have a yen for some beaded beads, there is your chance.

Friends Tracy Stanley, and Janice Berkebile will also be teaching and Susan, my Beading by the Bay partner will be a vendor.  I so wish I were going.

I now want to go back and redo all my directions....of course I won't, but I am kind of in awe of how clear, concise and beautiful Cindy's are, so I have some improving to do.


  1. Can't wait to see some of the new illustrations!

  2. patience my friend....I'm not that good yet, but I did learn a lot.

  3. Thanks so much for the nice mention and kind words :). Always happy to help!
