Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ganesha's last day

The second of the traveling bracelets to have come my way spent a lot of time at home in my studio....but yesterday we went on an outing.  To bead with friends for a few hours, at a lovely ocean view home on the coast.

 Hanging out on the gorgeous rubber vine

Enjoying an ocean view and breeze

 and adorning the decor

and serene among the beach rocks and shells

It was a most needed day of friendship and beads.  I love taking the opportunity to bead with others, and am appreciative of having found this group of talented beaders who have welcomed me into their midst.


  1. Um....the traveling bracelets link in your post lead to a child's car seat vendor...?? Love that Ganesh bracelet. I want one!

  2. Fascinante combinaciĆ²n...precioso....

  3. Is it just me or is the first photo with Emily Rose downright weird? Arms, coming out of patterned material, encircling the adorable dog...but no human body/head visible? Kinda scary!
    Yes, P, the child's car seat vendor link surprised me too. Maybe its the full moon?

  4. Ha, guess I was crazy yesterday....was researching car seats, guess I attached the wrong link, and yes the photo is someone's arm at an odd angle....about to go fix both!

  5. Hi Marcia. I didn't mind the little trip to the car seat site. Wow, they have really changed since my first child was born in '70! Scary to think we actually were driving around with those flimsy things holding our precious cargo. Have you seen the Origami Stroller? Amazing!

  6. Have not seen that P but yes, I rode home from the hospital with a newborn on my lap in a Volkswagen beetle in a snowstorm! Times have changed!
