Saturday, September 15, 2012

Traveling Bracelet - the Quest

I've made a quest to visit with each of the  Traveling Bracelets, sent out into the world by Sig Wynne Evans.

If you have one you'd like to send me, I'd love to have it, unless I already have had it in which case please send it on to someone new.

Click on the link below the photo to read the stories of their travels!

Update!  I did indeed receive a bracelet for my 60th birthday, in fact one that Sig made especially with me in mind, the Golden Gate Bridge.  Since travel is a bit of a theme for the bracelets, it seemed fitting as Sig and I first met in California, and I did leave my heart in San Francisco!

After the bracelet and I cavorted through my birthday celebrations it joined me for a trip to Georgia and the Southern Bead Retreat where I handed it off to Karen!

Alpine September 2012

San Francisco October 2012
Ganesha September 2012

Carribbean September 2012


  1. Marcia, you are so fortunate to have had 4 of these. Your house must be oozing good karma. Cynthia, you chose a good host!

  2. Tutti meravigliosi, un baciotto al cucciolo!
