Thursday, October 11, 2012

A big birthday

Well I guess it is always relative, 16 was a big birthday and 21 of course, then 30, 40 and 50 and now 60!

The decade between 50 and 60 has been pretty monumental for me.  At 50 I had worked full time in a corporate job for more then 30 years.  I lived in Santa Cruz, had married Mark, raised three children and dabbled in knitting, embroidery, candle making, needle point, art quilts, crochet and finally found my way to beads.

At 30 I had a room mate, worked in Silicon Valley and we had a house party, at 40 I flew around the world with Mark, at 50 I had high tea with my girlfriends at the Ritz Carlton in San Francisco, so 60 was kind of quiet.

It was fitting, I am more quiet, having settled into my life of being a full time bead artist which I began at 52, I am happy to be at home, playing with beads, writing books, knitting baby wear, visiting friends and family.  And that is how 60 went.  A visit from my girlfriends of 30 years, fun, laughter, nice food, a harbor cruise, Mark's famous waffles and a visit from daughter Casey and family.

A facetime session with daughter Lucia and grand daughter Malayna who at 20 months said 'Hapa Brda, Gandma!' so precious.

And a text chat with Grand daughter Sam who at 16 is a thoughtful, beautiful and smart young lady.

All of my dear ones checked in, jm with a picture from my New England past of pumpkins and fall foliage. Arlene with a beautiful felted bracelet she made.

A sign of the times, lots and lots of facebook birthday wishes from friends.

And per my quest, a traveling bracelet arrived, made especially for the occasion, picturing the Golden Gate bridge.  Northern California has a very special place in my heart, it is where I met my love, raised my family and discovered my passion for beads.  It is also where I met Sig Wynne Evans, so it was fitting.  This bracelet will go with me this weekend to the Southern Bead Retreat.

Lunch out with my Grove girls, who gifted me a whimsical crown which will find it's way to the garden as a memory of my 60th year.

And dinner with my love, by the water at my favorite sushi restaurant.  A beautiful week all the way around!


  1. I love reading about Happy Birthdays. I am glad yours was special and be a fond memory.

  2. What a lovely blog piece. It is so nice to see how your life progressed to beads. You have been so blessed!
    A belated Happy Birthday to you!
    Sandy Spivey

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Marcia--Glad you had a great birthday -- and the crown, what a lovely reminder of your special day. Love gifts like that!
    CJ Vierow

  5. What a wonderful birthday and a lovely new memory to cherish.

  6. Happy Birthday,wish you good health and a long happy life

  7. Sounds like a special birthday. Yeah to 60! It is the new 40 or so I've been told.

  8. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  9. I'll be 60 next June and my oldest son will be 40 in Sept. We hope to have a huge dual celebration and go on a 3 day crusie or something like that.. Happy Birthday beautiful sweet, talented sister of beading..

  10. A belated happy, happy birthday! Wishing you all the best and even more beading ideas. :)

  11. I'm glad you had a wonderful, happy Birthday! The Crown is really great!

  12. Happy, happy belated birthday! it sounds like a lovely day.
