Friday, February 28, 2014

Color Challenges

I ordered the new tangerine crystal because I loved it, and then I sat down and tried to incorporate into a pair of earrings….you know bright colors.  I am not sure how it is that you can have a lot of seed beads and still not quite the right one?

I liked the turquoise and fuchsia but the orange metallic wasn't working at all, and I didn't have an appropriate drop, the gold one kind of got lost and….well I just wasn't happy and I also lost the motivation to play with more color.

You may also notice that I didn't take out the real camera so the blue you see on top is the same aqua you see on the bottom photo.  Which is somewhat unfair to all of those  who tried hard to give me some direction since they weren't really seeing the true colors.

I cut off all the bottom part, added a bright orange cz, made a second and I'm calling them done, this pair at least.  Since I'm leaving on a Bahamian cruise in a few weeks I think these ones will suit a pretty white dress I have.  Oooohhh….perhaps I need a necklace?

I may play more later, but for right now,   I'm moving one.  To what?     Well that is the next dilemma.  I've been piddling with bits of this and that.  I'm ready for a substantial piece but I can't settle on a direction.  I think I'll spend the afternoon with some books and see what I think.


  1. I still like the top one; the only thing that I would have changed is adding the ORANGE drop to the bottom instead of the crystal. The second pair is very nice though - and very 'cruise-y'. :)

  2. I like both, you definitely need a necklace too!

  3. Your metallic tangerine beads are wonderful. I really like the first pair. Enjoy your cruise.
