Monday, February 23, 2015

I've been busy!

We went on an airstream trip!  I will say we are feeling more and more accomplished and like seasoned travelers each time we venture out.

I even drive reliably now, pulling in and out of rest stops and passing trucks as required on the freeway.  Still don't do the local streets or heavy freeway traffic, but I'm getting there.

This trip started out with two days in Tucson, a photo shoot by Kyle Cassidy, a trip around a few of the shows and an Interweave party.

Mark took this shot, I'm wearing my beautiful Kinga Nichols necklace!

 This is a shot traveling through Pacheco pass.  We've named the airstream Pacheco as it has always been a part of our life, connecting us to travel in and out of Santa Cruz.

One of my favorite spots to park, in a grove of redwood trees in Felton California.

Everyone travels with their truffle salt, right?  I mean you can't give up your luxuries just because your experiencing life in a travel trailer!

This was through Palmdale, a rainbow!  We experienced everything on this trip, we had torrential rains, dense fog, high winds, and bumper to bumper traffic.  These were all firsts and we survived!

Here is photo at my hotel.  Jill MacKay noticed I would be in Fort Collins and offered to pick me up and take me to dinner.  We went to downtown Fort Collins which I totally loved.  Unable to take a good selfie in the dark of the car, we asked our concierge at the hotel to take one for us.  I had a great time visiting with Jill.

Thursday night I was treated to a dinner with Jean Cox (Campbell) and I was tuckered out from two days of video and forgot to take a photo.  But I am always happy when I get to spend some Jean time, one of my favorite people on planet bead!

I'm home for a few days before leaving again for Beading by the Bay, is it next week already?  Wow that snuck up on me.  Lot's of work to do this week, but I'll check in with you again in a day or two and let you in the fun I had making the CRAW PRAW videos.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed you wearing that leaf necklace in the last few posts and it looks so pretty! That's the kind of bead embroidery I'd like to be able to create one day and it's really inspiring to me.
