Tuesday, February 3, 2015

MadDesigns Webstore

A great big huge thank you to all who ordered and kept us busy and out of trouble the last two weeks!  Some of you are such overachievers that I have already seen photos of finished Ancient Bells and Duomos Romanticos.

I thought I should give you an update on how the store is going to work going forward.  You may have read that I am trying to cut back my teaching schedule, although I will continue to do a few outings here and there per year.

I also want to travel more, hug grand babies, plan a wedding party (my daughters) and bring you the occasional bead video.

So…..the store will only have a few items at any one time, they will have inventory control so when they are gone you will not be able to purchase them (Ancient Bells has sold out in both color ways) and Duomos Romanticos is approaching sold out in at least one color way).  We may or may not be able to repeat a sold out design.

Mark has simplified the website and new items will appear on the home page as they are available.  Lest I confuse you, Sprockets and Santa Lucia are my Bead and Button Classes this year, not available as kits.  But if you happen to be going there are exactly two seats left in Santa Lucia and five in Sprockets.

New kits will appear as we have time to make them and given the immediate travel schedule to film a video followed up by Beading by the Bay and then a knitting retreat on the East Coast for me, well you get the idea.

I know some of you are waiting on the Romantica revisited and on La Navette.  I also have plans for Touch of Whimsy and a few of the new earring designs might appear.  I thank you for your support, I will do my best to make kits available as time allows.


  1. Excellent way for you to keep a handle on your life and keep your customers happy!

  2. Enjoying life is the most important thing a person can do. Have fun and live it to the fullest!
