Monday, June 22, 2015


Journey is the name of the piece I entered into Bead Dreams this year, a Bead and Button bead competition.  It was accepted and traveled to Milwaukee to be displayed.

I finished it just in time, took photos and then sent it off……Then I began seeing a part of the design that looked incomplete to me.  I am all for asymmetry done well, but this just looked unbalanced to me. Every time I looked at the photo I wondered why I hadn't seen it before and once I did I couldn't see anything else.

So when Journey was returned to me this week, I immediately set about filling in the big negative space that was taunting me.

It may be a subtle difference.  It is certainly still asymmetrical, but to me the difference is huge.  Should I undertake another large piece I would make sure to build in the time to photo it and then live with the photos before deciding on the pieces completeness.  I find you see things in photos that you don't necessarily see otherwise.

I'm a little sad that I didn't see this gaping flaw (as it became in my mind) before it was shared at Bead Dreams, but I am glad I had the opportunity to make it better in my eyes.

I will be teaching my master class in England next month and since this piece is really a study of my master class components and the technique of component design it will be a great teaching tool to have with me.


  1. Such a beautiful necklace. Liked it before, but I love it now!

    I'm a little envious of your master class students. :)


  2. I love how you are so cool about it...learn from my mistake...move on...use it at Master Class in UK...lalalala Life is good! Great attitude! This retirement thing is agreeing with you!

  3. Took me awhile to find the addition. They're both lovely.

  4. I see the hole and it does look complete in the second photo. Still a wonderful piece but jarring without the extra.

  5. Your piece is exquisite. I'm a big fan of your work and thank you for sharing your thoughts and designs.

    Colleen Wolf
