The deadline is looming for my fourth 'Designer of the Year' project for Beadwork magazine. This is a new series that features four designers who will have a different project in each 2009 issue. The designers are Jean Campbell, Jamie Hogsett, Lisa Kan and myself! If you subscribe to Beadwork or pick up an issue at the newstand, I think you're in for a treat. According to the Beadwork site, we'll also be treated to a feature article by metal clay artist Kate McKinnon.
This d.o.y. piece showcases a stunning crystal gifted to me by Blanche of Beads by Blanche. A gifted bead is always a treasure, different then a bead acquired by Bead Begging which I've been known to do as well. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes....well it's just necessary, I'll tell a bead begging story another day.

Since I illustrated my own Right Angle Weave book this past summer (with copious amounts of help from Bonnie Brooks) I became reasonably proficient at the drawing of little beads. Let's hope my memory serves me well enough to make short work of this one, since there is still packing to be done!
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