Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm participating in Color Week, with Curious Girl Lisa and today is green. Well that was an easy one, lot's of green in my life, beautiful photos from the Keukenhoff gardens in Holland, the sweetest little bird napkin ring, fresh spring greens on my walk yesterday AND, look at that -

the cover of my book 'Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence' Elegant jewelry projects with right angle weave....Green! Pssst....you can pre-order on Amazon, or you can wait just a little tiny bit more and order from me. Then you'll receive a signed copy and an additional pattern. I'll keep you posted.

See you tomorrow for more color!


  1. Lovely mosaic, especially that great looking "green" book cover!

  2. So beautiful and you-cover-girl-you look so wonderful in green! Glad you are playing!

  3. But I want it now!!!! you have a copy.....Don't know if I can wait until you get here....

  4. Such fresh and vibrant greens - beautiful!

  5. Lovely cover! The little green bird is great!

  6. perfect green mosaic. I love it.

  7. I have discovered green since I started beading. So many shades. And it brings life to so many other colors I used to consider boring.

  8. How neat to see you and I used a string of pearls in our Greens. And yes recognise the Keukenhof, so tipicly Dutch. You made me curious about your book, I might dive into that deeper today.
