Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home again, new ventures on the horizon!

so much to tell, warning, their may be a lack or organization to this post...

First off, many blog readers have asked for a Mom update. She's doing really well, completely lucid, has charmed the pants off of everyone at rehab. Every time I call for an update, I hear, 'we adore you're Mom, she is so cute'. Which means she's getting very good care with a prognosis of going home a couple of weeks.

Bead and Button! What can I say, such a favorite show, connecting with friends, being inspired by the art of it all, loving the teaching, it was all grand.

My big purchase this year a Kristina Logan ring. She makes them to order, I picked my very favorite bead and she will bezel with silver in my size and ship it off. It will be lovely, I know because two of my friends already own one and I wanted to join the crowd.

The trip wouldn't be complete with the purchase of a Gail Crosman Moore bead. What I love about Gail is how she is always evolving.

I seldom have time to make other folks work, even those I admire, but a few years back I just had to make a Head over Heels doll by Sylvie Elise. I love the whimsy of it. It was so great to see her back at Bead and Button and visiting with her for a bit.

Another must have for me was the Ootheca cuff by Rachel Nelson Smith and if you don't have one you should majorly consider it. The bracelet is brillilant with reversible sides and over 300 crystals attaching the two pieces for major sparkle impact.

And I bought this kit from Dustin aka Beadboy. It's a ring called Eye of the Dragon, he had one on and it was totally cool. I love the packaging, minimal, but colorful and effective.

I also bought these little boro spacers from James at Lilyrosebeads. I love the variation of color and the tumbled matte finish.

I visited with Beki from Whimbeads, Betcey of Beyond Beadery, Heather Trimlett, The Wired Arts Girls, Beverly Gilbert, Annie Hesse, Lisa Niven Kelly (Beaducation), Kriss Silva, Martha LeVan from Lark Books, Kate McKinnon, Tonia Davenport, Jean Campbell, Meredith from Beadalon, Helen from the Loose Bead Society, Lynn Yuhr, Mary Hettsmanperger, Suzanne Golden, Stacy Creamer, Rachel Nelson Smith, Jill Wiseman, Liz Thompson, Sandy Martin, Lynn Cheek, Becky, Jeannette Cook, Dustin Wedekind, Kelly Angeley, Lindsay and Katie from Fusion beads, Andrew Thornton from Green Girls Studio, Linda Myers Alaska Bead Company, Dallas Lovett, Roz, Shelly Nybakke, and oh so many more. I adore each and every person I get the chance to spend time with and can't wait for next year .
The title promised New Ventures and they are on the horizon, but in the interest of keeping this readable, new ventures will be for another day!


  1. I have an Ootheca cuff by Rachel Nelson Smith 3/4 of the way done. I need to get it finished. Thank you for the updates and blog post about the Bead & Button show. It was so much fun ready about it. Next year I am going to be there.

  2. Miss you already Marcia,
    until the next time!

  3. That cuff has been on my list of "to dos" for a long long time. Now you have further motivated me to make one. Great seeing you at B&B. Beautiful book, can't wait until September.

  4. I'm new to your posts, but have been looking forward to what you were too write about B&B; certainly worth the wait. The bracelet / cuff is truly stunning...thanks for sharing

  5. I wish I could have been there too! What a beading-party!!!!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful seeing you too. And loved your ring!

  7. oh and what a great way to advertise for people. I love the whimsical lady doll beads (and her site) and want to order a piece.

  8. I totally agree with you about the Ootheca Cuff! I wear mine often. Last year when I went to get my mom from your class for lunch, I saw yours and I made a beeline to Rachel's class to buy a kit! So glad I did!

    Right now I'm trying to finish a Laura McCabe Crystal Burst Bracelet - I took the class from her like 5 years ago! I think it's time I finish it!

  9. I thought I put a link in my post...



  10. What awesome goodies! And it looks like you had a great time out there...LOVE the Gail Crosman Moore bead - I checked out her website and saw that she will be at BeadFest in Philly...I will have to check her stuff out in person...

  11. So glad you had such a nice time. I did too. :)

  12. So glad you had a wonderful time and I AM going next year!!! Also glad your mom is doing well!!! Show us more pics when you get time.

  13. Beverly and Shelley, it's time, you need an Ootheca, just follow Christina's example she has a beautiful one!

    Becca and try to be, please come next year, it is such an amazing show...

  14. It was good to see you! I wish that we had more time to chat. Even better, to make some stuff together. That'd be a blast.

    Anyway, I hope you got back safely and that things are going well for you. I love the ring you got from Kate and the ring you made for her in return!

  15. Love the cuffs. How amazingly made.

  16. Marcia,

    Thank you so much for mentioning me on your blog. It's wonderful to be back.... and it was wonderful to see you!!!
