Monday, October 12, 2009

Aaahhh Birthdays!

Mine was wonderful. In general 10/10 is a good birthday to have and I'm married to someone whose birthday is 9/9 which seems like a good omen and since we're approaching 25 years of marriage, I guess it has been.

The Miami girls certainly did a nice job of making my birthday special with a Sunday night gathering at Myriams house for dinner, cake and Blue Bell icecream, a novelty which had escaped my attention up until now.

Lynn gifted me a ring and Diane gifted me some pretty beads and the day was really pleasant. We had two ladies for the ringlets class that I hadn't met before. They drove over from Naples and arrived well adorned with bright fun jewelry.

Yesterday was ringlets and each made 1 to 2 great examples.

Today I fly home to Mark and my birthday dinner of sushi! And my own computer where I can upload the weekends fun events and share some photos.


  1. Can't wait to see your new pics. Glad your BD was good. Plan to finish my Tahoe bracelet today. Yea! I so totally enjoyed your class up there.


  2. Ooh - you ARE a lucky girl to get Blue Bell ice cream! As they say in the commercials "the best ice cream in the country." I grew up with it since it's made in Brenham - only about an hour from Houston :o)

    Glad you had a great birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Marcia!
    So glad you were born!


  4. Happy belated Birthday. Hope you enjoyed all your newfound bling!
