Friday, January 7, 2011

A bit of Tucson Beading

Remember yesterday when I said I needed something new to wear to Tucson? Well I got it in my head that sparkly earrings would be good (now you expected the sparkle part didn't you?) and then I got to thinking, when you have short hair, it's important that the back of the earring be pretty too, right?

The color is a bit of a happy accident. I was putting away crystals and poured a few light colorado topaz ab into the pacific opal by accident. During the resulting sorting I was enamored of the combination and put a few aside to play with.

On the front of the earring we have a pretty matte lined gold seed bead, a little bit of bronze (about as expected as sparkle) and the pretty pale aqua pacific opal (I do have a cruise coming up)

And the center of the back is set off by a sweet little (yes that is the unexpected bit, sweet....) crystal ab margarita.

These done I turned my attention to a necklace, also sparkly, also light colorado topaz ab and pacific opal and also reversible. I hope to finish this weekend....we'll see how that goes.