Monday, January 17, 2011

A Shifting Routine

Mornings that used to be devoted to the blog are now devoted to walking...a 45 minute a day goal. On days like today, I'm then off to other ventures....a birthday lunch for Judipatuti, a visit to the Beach House retreat and a photo session of the beautiful buttons that were done.

As I settle into this new routine I may end my day with a blog post, we'll see how that all works out!

In the meantime, I'm off, have a great day and see you all tomorrow.

p.s. the weather here is amazing, 75 and sunshine, what a difference a year makes. This week last year, it was cold, it rained, there was thunder storms, high wind and even hail. Anyone remembering that?


  1. Congratulations on the resolve to walk. Hope you blog about it now & then as it might get me moving again.

  2. what foul weather in san diego? surely you jest!
