Sunday, February 20, 2011


At least I think that is what it is called. I don't have a copy of my book handy.

Lynn showed up in class wearing this great example of the layered beaded bead in Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence.

Her color choices are excellent!

And on Aurelia day Wendy made this lovely color way

and Jacquelin made this one

The pale aqua and grey seed is likely a Toho hybrid bead but I didn't write down the number....sigh. It was so soft with the Pacific blue opal crystal.

I just noticed they both used a bronze accent, likely why I was drawn to them.

It was a great few days and now off to the next adventure, which is the birth of our grand daughter, most likely to occur during this week.

As much as I love a snowstorm and there is one forecasted for later today, in this case I sincerely hope to fly out before any delays....there is a grandbaby due to be born any day now!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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