Monday, February 14, 2011

Crack of dark

I leave tomorrow morning at the crack of dark, as Kate McKinnon would say. She has the most colorful of descriptions. I thought I had sworn off of 6:25 a.m. flights, but sometimes that is the only way to get across the country in time.

There is a meet the teachers event at 6:30 p.m. for the Great Lakes Bead Guild and so I must leave early to get there in time. But I so look forward to being with all my friends and my bead colleagues.

I'll be teaching Aurelia.

Liz made her version into a necklace.

Today will be about all those last minute details that go into bead travel. Which jewelry to take, do I have business cards, enough change, receipt books....

It's also the day that the plants arrive for the yard. They will be planted while I'm away. So I will return to an instant yard! Pretty darn exciting.

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