Friday, February 4, 2011

I am so blessed!

A couple of years ago I met the gals from Ontario, Beth, Barb, Debi and Christine at Beadfest in Philadelphia. They were quickly my new best friends when offering to bead the sample for my class which I had forgotten at home.

So during this summers teaching engagement at the Beads of Colour, owner Debi, another fiber enthusiast, took me yarn shopping. I bought a ruffled scarf pattern and yarn. Barb, who I adore, offered to knit it up for me. Now I can knit, but time often escapes me and I was baby knitting at the time. Well!

Debi delivered my knit up scarf at dinner last night.

And can I tell you I'm in love! With Barb and my scarf.....thank you so much Barb. Can't wait to see you and Beth in June.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. That brings to mind the socks you knit for me. Every time I wear them, I think of you and how fortunate I am to have someone make a pair of socks for me, and such beautiful socks at that! Thanks again Marcia.

  2. Hi Marcia...the scarf looks great and I can just hear Barb bubbling over with delight that you love it! We are both so excited to be coming to Bead and Button..yeah that the Canadian dollar is healthy!! Looking forward to seeing you .....Beth
