Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gifted - a beaded ring

I'm a lucky girl, I have many friends who are artists. It wasn't always like that for me. Although I always made things with my hands I didn't really know any other creative people. I spent my life working in a corporate environment, where knitting and beading were not really celebrated skillsets.

When I was in my early forties I joined a quilt guild, not because I quilted but because I thought it would be a place to meet other creatives, and I was right. There I met a women named Vicki who's last name I sadly don't remember. She was wearing an amulet purse and I asked if she would teach me how to make one. That was the beginning of my bead journey.

Since leaving my corporate job in 2004 I've created a life of beads and have developed many friendships in this world.

Jeannette Cook of Beady Eyed Women is my neighbor and we frequently do things together. Recently she gave me this ring.

I love it photographed on the black, don't you agree?

Here is another of her series of rings, although I have to admit to loving mine best.

This weekend Jean Campbell will be speaking at the San Diego Bead Society. Another accomplished bead artist whose friendship I enjoy. Sunday's class will be held in my studio so once again a house full of talented beaders which always makes my day!


  1. I love her ring designs; yours speaks Perles de Mer and the other is all about ringlets - I love that one. She could gift that one to me.

  2. Wow that's a gorgeous ring... I hope she does a tutorial for this one!

