Sunday, August 7, 2011

More Fusion

Yesterday was Aurelia and as always the different color combinations impressed me. One of my favorite things is to see a design interpreted in different colors.

Linda worked on silvers

Cyn in gold lined beads with green

And Elaine did a beautiful soft palette of mustard yellow and green with jet nut crystals.

There were many more excellent choices that I didn't capture well.

Class was followed by a visit from my friends the wired art girls. It was so nice to see them! We headed off to dinner at

recommended by Mel the lovely store manager of Fusion Beads. We were joined by Cyn and Mel joined us in time for dessert. We had a wonderfully delicious meal in an eclectic environment.

Mel, Janice and Tracy enjoying the company.

Today a full house for The Rising Sun!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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