Thursday, August 4, 2011


I arrived after a non eventful flight (which one always hopes for of course) about midday. Lindsay from Fusion Beads picked me up, took me to Sushi and then to store. Man Alive! Have you been? Seed beads and crystals, walls of them, beautifully arranged in a light bright spacious store.

The sushi restaurant was the plate floating by kind of sushi place, where the plates are color coded and you take what you like as it makes it's way conveyor belt style in front of you. There was fresh salmon and eel and edamame and tempura and.....cupcakes?

I'm staying at the Hotel Deca, a nicely decorated art deco boutiquey kind of hotel, just the way I like it. I'm resting up for my first evening class, the Victoria earring. If you followed along with the adobe illustrator learning curve saga, this is the first project I 'drew' in illustrator. Since's it's a marriage of the Victoria fan and the Victoria medallion I did 'borrow' the medallion illustrations from the word file for Romantica. So it's a mix of black and white and color. My plan was to print them in greyscale, however they have buried the functionality of printing greyscale so deep in the new Word product that I wasn't able to find it, so for now the directions are in color.
The weather is picture perfect with blue skies moderate temps and big fluffy white clouds, but I'm reminded that is not always so.

And the Blue Angels are in town, I hope I get a glimpse of some of the aerialsl!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. If you like Sushi, I can recommend two places. Blue Fin sushi in NorthGate shopping center is an all-you-can-eat sushi place that is quite fine. We''ll be going there for my bday next week (yum, yum) In downtown Seattle there is Redfin. It's a fusion sushi place but the food is good. Happy hour prices are reasonable.

    Blue Angels are practicing this week. They'll be here for SeaFair in August.

    Welcome to my neck of the woods :D
