Wednesday, November 2, 2011

what's a blog without pictures

But really I've been a tad busy, trying to get my self back to work, real work. You see when you work for yourself, there are times you forget you have a full time job. My re-entry from my European trip was a bit bumpy, each day thinking it was time to get back at it, but for any number of reasons, well I took the better part of a week and half off, and now I must, I really must get some work done.

Beadwork magazine came out a bit earlier then my expectation, featuring two kits which I haven't quite gotten kitted and onto the website.....but there is hope, I'm back in the studio today and hope to have abrege bracelet up in a day or two.

and the latest soft and oh so romantica palette of Romantica

and in the meantime, I downloaded over 400 pictures from my iphone today, so I'm going to have a look and see what I can find for you.....

aaah, a day at the zoo, sometime in the spring with the peacock in full feather

and a zillion baby pictures and a few of the back yard....tomorrow there could be bead related content...I still have those lovely Basha beads to show you.


  1. Marcia, the bracelet you posted is gorgeous! I know what you mean about the Basha beads. I finally bought some for myself lately, after loving them for years......and I don't even bead anymore! Can't wait to see how you use them.
