Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Calendar of Commitments

Sylvie has the blackboard of bossiness and I have the calendar of commitments. The commitments this week are to illustrate and write text for four of the book projects. I've laid out every day that is available to work on the book, taking into account other commitments, then I've detailed out exactly what must get done in those days. It keeps me focused....sometimes.

If I get done early I can go play, and I need that bit of playtime. Saturday we are toying with going to the Getty Villa and enjoying an early dinner on our way home.

In the meantime I am walking regularly which helps with energy and stamina, staying connected with friends here and on Facebook, and then heads down on illustration and text writing.

I will turn in the first set of projects at the end of January in time to go off for a few days of rest and relaxation (well that part is really unlikely) but a few days away with friend Susan in Tucson. I'll teach two classes, attend my first Swarovski ambassador meeting, visit with friends and shop!

This is one of the two projects I will teach in Tucson.

I love it draped on my lime green Jonathan Adler vase.

Also in Tucson will be Jeanette of Beady Eyed Women with a booth at To Bead True Blue, and Judi Patuti who has added a scrap catcher and tote to the bead mat collection. All in the same bright, fanciful, coordinated fabrics she does so well.

Will I see you in Tucson?


  1. I wish you would be seeing me in Tuscon...but I am entirely too far away to make it!

    But I can't wait for this new book you are writing...I constantly reference Beaded Opulence, and I love all of your work so I just know this new book will be amazing!

    But make sure you get that play time with your busy schedule! We all need time for relaxing and having fun!

    And I have to tell you, I have been making several variations of your stunning Medici Drop earrings for Christmas gifts this year and they are such a big hit!

    Everyone loves them...and they work up so quickly too, which is awesome for the person making all the beaded gifts! Thank you for sharing your talent and designs with us!

  2. ah Medici drop, thanks to Jean Campbell for the name. They have been one of the true darlings of the book, so easy to bring your own design aesthetic to them and so easy to complete. Glad you are enjoying them.
