Thursday, December 8, 2011


First off a big thank you to Tasha, who in the comments pointed out the right place for me to change the scrolling of the track pad. Things are back to normal now.

Next, everyone is on board with the hop! So clicking on the blog hop button (I made it myself, I am new to the whole button thing, one could spend a lot of time keeping up with the social media trends, but I digress (in the words of Teresa Sullivan and now I've double digressed)) anyways, back to the point which you've no doubt lost by now....the blog hop button will take you to the list of our seven participants. Each one will be giving away some excellent lovelies from their inventory.

I shifted color, well a little bit, what is with the pink? I don't know but I keep on finding pink things I want to share with you, but today there are also some orange buttons!

I love these buttons and I've included 5 so if you should knit like I do you would have enough to button up a cute neck scarf or a shrug or baby sweater (ooh, now I totally want to make a baby sweater to go with these buttons, don't worry I have more). These buttons were the original center of the Rising Sun, but they were a tad small which made them fussier to fit, possible but fussy, so I changed them out to a different button with a less fussy fit factor.

Mark is busy working on the website and soon all three Rising Suns' will be available in the store for the first time. I'll let you know. Rumor has it the cute little Birds of Paradise will be there as well.

The teal green example pictured has brass metal beads and a gold ball chain necklace. But I also love the the black and purple with cyclamen opal loch rosen.

oh, and over on Val's blog, the picture of the sparkly girly nails? Bottom left fuchsia and silver is totally me.


  1. the buttons....makes me want to make rising sun matching earrings or a pendant....I'm off to make MY birds of paradise....have a great day!

  2. The buttons are very pretty! And I love the bird of paradise! Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  3. I love love love those buttons! The red and gold ones are beautiful!

    I also really love that Birds of Paradise! Excellent colorway!

  4. Love the buttons and the bird of paradise!!!

  5. Love the buttons, I have the perfect yarn for them. So much about missing the day I read the post and did not even look at the date.

  6. All three pixs have me drooling! Your work is amazing! and I love those fab buttons!

  7. Loving these buttons!

  8. Those buttons are great! I love the bracelet and button.

  9. Love the buttons! Thanks for sharing them!

  10. Nice buttons. Nothing wrong with Pink!

  11. Great buttons. Love your work.

  12. Love buttons old ones, new ones well all buttons. That Rising Sun bracelet is stunning - I am trying to learn RAW and just when I think I have it I don't - but I will keep going ; )

  13. Still leaving my name out here - it would be such a pleasure to work with anything you put in that box, Marcia!!!

  14. Pink and orange, pink and orange - it's funny how we change our palettes once in a while, isn't it? It keeps beaders on their toes!

  15. Hello from the UK. The Blog hop giveaway looks fantastic. What a lovely box of goodies. Please enter me in the draw. Many Thanks.

  16. I love pink. I would love to win.

  17. Pink and Silver.... the perfect colors!

  18. The orangey pink buttons are delightful.... imagining them in different contexts...

  19. Marcia estos botones estar hermosos!! tu los haz incluido en proyectos tuyos y son espectaculares!!! good luck to me!!

  20. I like 'less fussy fit factor' what a great tongue twister! The buttons are a recent obsession of mine too...would love to win!

  21. Gorgeous buttons and gorgeous beadwork of course

  22. Love those just keeps getting better!

  23. Love those just keeps getting better!

  24. Are we supposed to leave comments every day on each of your blogs? I so want to be included in the giveaways! Thanks!

  25. The buttons are adorable! I too have a sweet little grand daughter that I love to knit for. Thanks!

  26. Hi Sally, yes, all the days blogposts will count, so if you leave a comment everyday you will be included seven times. Only one comment per day will be counted however!

  27. Love the buttons! I've never embroidered around buttons. Now I'm itching to.

  28. Marcia....thanks for this great idea of sharing your beads with us and thanks also for having "introduced" me to very talented artists through your reading list.

  29. Love the buttons! Another good addition to the box!

  30. I am so happy that I have been introduced to your buttons!

  31. 'love the buttons. I have become a button collector since I found out some time ago, that I could use a button and loop closure for my beadwoven bracelets and necklaces, and they look so great!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. The buttons are an awesome color and I am surely going to be ordering some kits from you in the near future!

  33. Love the buttons and the bird of paradise!!

  34. It's not polite to drool, but that's what I'm doing:) Love pink!

  35. I read in the wall street journal this morning that the color of 2012 orange so perhaps there's something in the wind that made you change from pink to orange, or you're one step ahead in the color zeitgeist. Hope those buttons hop on over to my house.

  36. Oh, I'm so a button freak! Those are gorgeous! Hm, I don't knit, but I do crochet....

  37. I love my Bird of Paradise. Your kits are awesome with an abundance of supplies and great illustrations. I discovered I was a button collector when we moved this summer. I am sure there isn't an orange one in the button box!

  38. What pretty buttons! Definitely not part of my usual color palette, but the words "Rising Sun" and the colors did make a few ideas pop into mind. I would love to win a prize on this blog hop with you awesome people!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi Marcia! The kit arrived yesterday. It is beautiful and I can't wait to make it. Lisa Ward

  41. That bird of paradise is incredible!


  42. What lovely buttons. Creates all sorts of ideas in my head!

  43. Oh, I'm so glad the hop led me to your blog!

  44. Once again: your work is amazing.

  45. What a great and generous idea, I would love to be entered in the draw, thanx!

  46. First time to your blog, and I've got to say your title image is amazing work. I also like the watch that's hidden in beadwork from your website's gallery. What a talent you are. Thanks for sharing that talent with us. Thanks for the opportunity to add to our stash too.

  47. Oh those buttons!!!! Since orange is one of my favorite colors I had to comment!

  48. The buttons are fantastic and I am looking for some inspiration for something to knit on during my Christmas vacation and watching 6 seasons of Lost!

  49. Oooooooo what girl can say no to such lovely lovely buttons. thanks so much

  50. Nice buttons. Loving the organge. Kind of looks like Pantone's new color for for 2012 Tangerine Tango

  51. I love pink. Those buttons are just beautiful.

  52. Mmm, buttons - they remind me of my childhood and the treat of sorting through my grandma's glory box. It was full of ribbons, threads and buttons! I'm sure it got me hooked.

  53. Have to enter just because those goodies are too amazing. Thanks to you all!

  54. Love, love, love those buttons! & the bird of paradise! Please count me in!

  55. Ooh buttons :)I have massive bags of buttons, all pretty, some shiny, some just different and caught my eye, all I plan on using 'some day' in the 'right project' ... lol but I certainly don't have any like those!

  56. I just looove these orange buttons! And to think I'm generally not at all excited about buttons.

  57. Marcia, applause to all of you for setting up this blog hop! I'd love to enter.
    Mary Alexander

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Oh, my, what lovely buttons! Count me in again!

  60. Those buttons are very pretty, and as you pointed out, would be perfect for a cardigan!

  61. I have a thing for buttons and those are yummy.
