Sunday, December 11, 2011

I survived the mall!

Actually it was quite an easy time. We pulled into the tenth parking space from the door to Nordstroms at 9:30, and discovered they open early for your shopping pleasure. I knew it was my best bet for the baby blue cashmere sweater I had in mind, so I sent Mark off to wander and got the first errand done!

Next up was Williams of Sonoma where I picked up the gold standard of cookie sheets. I so want one for myself, but this one is a gift. A box of chocolate chip cookie mix rounds out that gift.

Then off to the Hallmark store for a recordable book. Do you know them? You get to read in your own voice a story to your precious one. Really nice for grandparents who live too far away for a nighttime story.

And finally, Sephora. Now I'm not really a make up queen of any kind so I've not been to Sephora. I wear and have for years, some MAC blush, a little mascara, if it's a party I may put on some sparkly eye shadow and always rebel lipstick, but that's pretty much it. But I've become obsessed with the sparkle nails! And I wanted nail polish to match these!

And I think I succeeded. I can hardly wait to try it, but my current dark smoky grey with silver sparkles still looks good, so I'm trying to be patient.

Oh, the give away you ask? I decided you would need some seed beads, some pretty pinks and golds for today...

Reading the comments has been great fun. Although I don't require your contact information, you will want to check back on the 15th to see if you are the winner at which point I will ask you to contact me. I would think you would be highly motivated, but should you forget, I will give the winner one week to be in touch. If you do not contact me in that time I will pull the name of a runner up, so do check back....Three more days of beady stuff and on Thursday morning I will announce the winner!

And remember to click on the blog hop button on the side bar and visit my other blog friends!


  1. I love the story book idea - something they can keep for years. I learned to bead this July - so this year for Christmas - I have been making small beaded gifts for my gal coworkers and my sisters. It's been fun this year - and in the process - I've learned a couple of new beadweaving stitchs. Thank you for the HOP.

  2. Glad you survived the mall! I love that the bead picks match your new sparkly polish, that gold with the large glitter is fantastic. I have some similar to it that has a range of blues, it's cheap stuff though and doesn't stick to my nails for more than a few hours.

  3. I gave my kids a book many years ago with their names woven into the story. Getting a recording of family reading is even nicer! Back to beads, actually looking forward to my week off after Xmas to just bead and plan to pick one of your projects for sure! Happy shopping in the meantime!

  4. I gave my kids a book many years ago with their names woven into the story. Getting a recording of family reading is even nicer! Back to beads, actually looking forward to my week off after Xmas to just bead and plan to pick one of your projects for sure! Happy shopping in the meantime!

  5. Seed beads and sparkle - my favorites!

  6. Hmmm I think I will have to check out that gold standard of cookie sheet - I love to bake cookies. I remember you posting a cookie recipe one time - I will have to go back in time and look. I am enjoying the blog hop very entertaining ; )

  7. Glittery nail polish and sparkly beads - a winning combo!

    I'm like you... not a big makeup user. But I have discovered the delights of eyeliner (the pencil kind that can be smudged) in colors like teal, royal, and green. I apply it close to lash line on my upper eye lid and then apply mascara. It gives a subtle hint of color that I like to think enhances the blues/greens in my eyes. It's very fun!

  8. I survived the x-mas bazaar :) it was hard to stay awake because it was so slow... ooh, pretty beads!

  9. it sounds like your shopping trip was a success! those seed beads are great colors!

  10. I am really enjoying this blog hop.

  11. I'm so out of the whole Mall shopping thing. I didn't even realize what kind of store Sephora was. Thank you for enlightening me.

    Awesome beads in teh giveaway!!

  12. The story book sounds lovely. And pretty in pink. Thanks for the fun time.

  13. Well I am glad you survived the trip to the Mall! And it sounds like you found everything you were looking for too!

    I love those sparkly nail polish colors you found and they do match the well as today's addition to the gift box!

    Speaking of those beads...I love them! Seed beads are my true love! And the pinks and golds are just beautiful...those bugles are awesome too! I've been wanting to use more bugles lately but only have them in a few basic colors so far!

    When I checked out the Lark Books giveaway, I saw that we all missed the perfect Lark Book giveaway this season! Last week they gave away a bunch of bead weaving books!! So sad that I missed that one!

    Anyways, thanks again for the Blog Hop...I've never done one of these before and I find myself spending entirely too much time reading everyone's blogs! But I love it...and it is so inspiring! I have been beading everyday because of it so that is wonderful!

  14. I think you did very well at the mall! I wish I had accomplished that much yesterday (but I am NOT going to the mall!).Looking forward to seeing the new nails when the time is right..... Beautiful beads!

  15. Jean, here is the cookie link....oatmeal

  16. What a fun shopping trip!!
    Love the colors you have chosen for your nails. Perfect coordination with your lovely rings.

  17. Glad the mall was a good experience. The recorded book is a wonderful idea for we who are too far away. Nice bead selection.

  18. The story book sounds great!
    We love Skype for keeping in touch with little ones who are afar!

  19. I do remember the cookie recipe shared on you blog that is how long I've been reading it.
    The recorded story book is a fabulous concept. I'd do it if I had grandchildren.
    The seed beads will bee needed in the pile of goodies. Thank you for the Blog Hop!

  20. Marcia - I don't know which is more tempting, the great nail polish or those lovely beads. One day I will definitely have to get to the USA.

  21. Love the colors of the nail polish that you picked out at Sephora! And the beads go so well with it too! Thanks again for the hop.. it has opened my eyes to a lot of great artist that are blogging out there!


  22. Mmm mmm mmm - pink and gold is my favorite combination of late, so these beads are perfect! Thanks again Marcia for a chance to win.

    My daughter made the mistake of making the trek into Manhattan to shop yesterday. EEKS - today she's curled up in bed with 2 heating pads, muscle relaxers and a warm blanket lol. Good for you on your fun day this time of year.

  23. Lovely colors! Pink and gold is always a winner.

  24. The seed bead colors are great! I would love to win any of your give aways.

  25. Awesome seed beads! Great idea about the book.

  26. Great sparkly nail polish, your nails will look fab!

  27. The pink and gold beads really ARE pretty, Marcia.

  28. Honestly Marcia, I can't believe all the beautiful goodies you are providing! btw...I want to see those nails when you get them painted...along with the ring of course.

  29. Those colors that you are putting in the goody box are certainly the colors that I always pick. Hope that I win. Back to my knitting

  30. I may just have to start painting my finger nails. The bronze glitter polish sounds wonderful. My favorite part of the blog hop is reading the comments.

  31. Oh, Marcia, I have been coveting the Dreamkeeper Ring for so long now. I would love to win those instructions. And, I do love pinks so, so much. Fighting a horrible virus here in Michigan so I haven't been blog commenting every day. I've been staying out of the malls and in flannel jammie's.

  32. Hi Marcia. I recently purchased your Ringlets kit and am looking forward to working on it after the holidays. I am wondering if you are going to sell Dream Keeper kits. I think the rings are gorgeous!

  33. Oh what beady goodness you have offered us! And those classes are awesome!

  34. So glad you survived the mall. I actually haven't been in one for more than 10 years. I think I might have a stress attack or something if I went now. lol You are being so very generous with your give-away. Way above and beyond methinks. :-)

  35. Yeah you found the sweater you wanted! Nordstroms always is a positive for me too when I want to find something special.

    those colors are so lovely...are you really sure you can part with those lovelies.

  36. Beautiful selection of beads. Just my kind of colors.

  37. oh sparkly fingers what a fun way to spend the day. Great beads for the gift package too.

  38. Wow you lucked out at what sounds like an easy trip to the mall! I ended up not going to mine >.< I just made the long cold walk down to the grocery store to get a few necessities. Forgot a few of course, and today I'm home sick and could really use the stuff I forgot >.< Isn't that how it always goes? lol At this rate, it'll be mid week at the earliest before I hit the mall for shopping and by then it'll be truly a mad house >.<

  39. I read your blog the stories...the adventures and of course your lovely beadwork.

  40. I love the pink and gold beads. That color combo has always been one of my favorites!

  41. Pink and gold - a great color combination.

  42. O my gosh!!!! O my lord!!! Marcia, I am droooooling, both over your nail polish and the goodies going into that sparkly give away box!!!! :)

  43. I've been doing the shellac nails for the last month or so. I wonder if I can get sparkle nails with shellac?

    Great beads today on your giveaway.

  44., love, love seed beads! 'would love to own more! pick me, pick me!
    and, love the new sparkleeee nail colors! good for you, have fun with those.
    'love seeing your designs, you are a bead-master!

  45. First time on your web site and already hit the lark site and looking forward to the blog hop. Love your work. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  46. First time on your web site and already hit the lark site and looking forward to the blog hop. Love your work. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  47. You have to post a pic of your nails with those colours painted on them - one on each nail ;)
    Loving the sparkly seed beads in today's giveaway too.

  48. Sounds like a successful trip to the mall. Love the new polishes, anything that sparkles is right up my alley. Thanks for the adventures we get to take with you, and the chance to win your gift box.

  49. Um, why haven't I been following your blog up until now? What is wrong with me? Am following the moment I write this comment. ;-)

  50. Marcia,always great colors. I love to see your sparky nails. Thank you for the giveaway!

  51. <3 Love your choice of colours to celebrate the season!

  52. I am not brave enough to go to a mall this season, but might have to check out Williams Sonoma online for that cookie sheet. Love the nail polish!

  53. Such pretty pinks! And so glad you survived the mall - those nail polishes look like a lot of fun!

  54. The story book is a very food idea :) Wonderful seed beads.

  55. The story book is a very food idea :) Wonderful seed beads.

  56. More pink--something that this decidedly non-girly-girl is still interested in. Count me in again, and thank you for the HOP!

  57. Bling Bling!! Me fascina!! todo lo que sea bling bling y seed beads!!! Good Luck for me!!

  58. Marcia, love your color-sense. Did you ever have any training or are you just good with colors? I remember a post you did long ago with some green and topaz seed beads with some green crystals. You had beaded a wheel with the green beads had a topaz point beaded and then connected with the crystals. I never saw what became of this and I even went and matched the colors at a bead show, I liked them so well together. Did you ever go further with this?

  59. oooh, delicious. who'da thought, gold and pink... it's perfect!

  60. I have not even braved the mall yet, wish me luck!

  61. So glad you survived the mall! You are my kind of shopper, I love Nordstroms, Williams and Sonoma, and Hallmark. But again, my favorite stores are on Etsy, I could spend all day browsing the shops and their related blogs! Every blog hop I manage to pick up several new blogs I have to follow! Pretty soon I will only have time for reading blogs, not playing with my jewelry! Sad, especially when you are offering those fun seed beads as part of your treasure box of goodies!
    By the way, I love the nail polish colors you picked too! You have good taste! (I think we have already established that with your talents you have shared with us!)

  62. Beautiful pink and gold seed beads, and I love the nail polish too.

  63. I love the nailpolish! and the matching beads :-)
