Thursday, January 26, 2012


What is it that makes the task expand to the time allowed? I probably could have finished all that needed doing to meet my first book deadline before the deadline arrived.....but I didn't, although the last book I did turn in a week early.

I suspect it has to do with the fact that prior to the REAL urgency setting in, we take more downtime, more leisurely strolls, or time outs, or days of less then optimum focus and then, the deadline looms and we take less downtime, get up earlier to walk, limit our time outs, and increase our focus.

That is where I'm at, the increased focus part.

I actually love the process of organization. For each project I have screen shotted (yeah, probably not a word), the visual supply list,

printed the illustrations, formatted a word file of text and three hole punched each copy into a notebook. The actual pieces hanging on a bulletin board.

My illustrator skills continue to improve and have gotten to the point where I don't start each new project in trepidation, which is a positive development.

This is one of the pieces I will be teaching at the Swarovski Create Your Style event next week in Tucson.

For now I will be heads down for the next couple of days!


  1. Marcia I totally admire you for doing all the drawings on your own!! That must be a huge part of the work! No way I could get into it!!!!
    All Best
