Wednesday, April 18, 2012

And the winner is....

Number 36, Leora! Leora please go to my website and use the contact us form to give me your details.

Well that was fun.

I arrived safely into Boston Logan airport and had a nice drive out to Portsmouth New Hampshire.

Tomorrow morning a walk on the Atlantic Ocean followed by a class at Bead Creative. I can't wait to see the store. Owner Cathi has stocked it really well with seed beads and crystal! My kind of store.

I'm also in the land of Maine lobster and fried clams. I grew up in a Boston suburb so this is definitely a return to my roots!

I did manage some cubic raw on the plane and I have ideas for a new piece, but airline seats are getting so darn small, beading can be a bit challenging....

Pictures tomorrow!


  1. I could eat my weight in fried belly clams(not the strips) and lobster - I grew up in Maine;my roots are there also.

  2. Congratulations to Leora.
    Marcia, lucky you ! We were in Boston 2 years ago for a week and they were so good (and much cheaper than here) that we ate lobsters everyday :o)

  3. Thank you Marcia! Can hardly wait for the book to arrive. It looks amazing!
