Thursday, July 26, 2012


Janet over at Honey from the Bee, introduced me to Pic Monkey for making photo collages.  I used to do this with Picnik and I can do it with Illustrator, but with multiple formats and an easy upload capability Pic Monkey does the trick beautifully.  It's currently free and I ponder how long this will remain so, but in the meantime I took the opportunity to put together a collage of my photos from the Chihuly exhibit in Seattle.

I've shown you the pictures, at least some of them, but a collage really tells a story.  The lighting and the glass and the installation were all so  compelling it was almost impossible to take a bad photo.

Thanks for the information Janet, I see a few collages in my future....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up on PicMonkey. I'm's fabulous!
