Friday, July 13, 2012

More Chihuluy

I wanted to show you this series of outdoor hanging glass sculpteres

I thought you might appreciate the visual....


  1. Hi Marcia. I know I haven't posted in awhile. But I have still managed to keep up with you by reading. So happy that you are traveling and celebrating. Looking forward to seeing you towards the end of the year. Hey if the bead thing doesn't work out for you you can definitely try photography. I love your perspective and how you capture your images! Happy trails!

  2. Aaawww thanks Jamie, nice to hear from you! I know you're out there and it does my heart good to know it.

  3. I can never get enough Chihuly. We saw his outdoor installation here in Phoenix at the Desert Botanical Gardens, and it was spectacular! One or two of the pieces he showed here are in the Seattle show. Thanks for sharing these. I love me some Chihuly, even follow his website. So thanks, again!
